
In the spirit of forwards compabitility I think the 5.3 release will we very important regardless if we keep or remove the unicode switch in PHP6. From my POV 5.1 and 5.2 have mainly covered stability and performance improvements on top of the addition of several important extensions like PDO, Json etc.

In terms of changes to the actual language the main thing that sticks in my head where things like E_STRICT and is_a vs. instanceOf. So now with 5.3 we might want to look ahead towards PHP6 and make sure that we add whatever makes sense to have in 5.x that will ease the life for people writing forward compatible code for PHP6. It might also be a chance to revisit the question of how we want to approach strictness and deprecation.

Forward compatibility:
- binary cast
- namespaces
- ...

- What is our philisophy, is OO more strict than procedural or is there no such differntiation? I remember the discussions about dynamic member variables, number incrementing throwing notices inconsistently, signature rewriting. I fear I am opening a can of worms with this one. Although I disagree with the bulk of the decisions on this topic in the past I am not trying to reopen the discussions, I just hope to get a clearer definition on our philosiphie for future discussions

- Split of deprecation from E_STRICT
- Rule for deprecation

See the todo wiki for some hints on things currently planned (or that I heard people thinking about planning):



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