On 10/23/07, Gregory Beaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The same confusion that is brought about by allowing keywords as
> variable names?
> <?php
> class Test
> {
>     public $class;
> }
> $a = new Test;
> $a->class = 1;
> ?>
> Is this next example any more confusing?
> <?php
> class Test
> {
>     function class(){}
> }
> $a = new Test;
> $a->class();
> ?>
> I think you're confused by what is proposed :).

Yes you are right about the methods but consider something like this:
namespace (Foo::Bar);
import(new new);
// etc.
Looks kinda odd to me although it might have sense in some context.

Anyway my main question was: is there any reason not to use keyword "use"?


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