On 15/11/2007, Sam Barrow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I found a patch by Derick online to allow for scalar type hinting, and
> made it work with the newest snapshot of PHP 5.3. I also added the
> ability to type hint for resources. I would like to ask that it be added
> to the next PHP release. It allows type hinting for int, float, bool,
> string, resource, and object, I also added the ability to use the
> secondary keywords for all of these types (such as double, real, long,
> etc.).
> It will maintain 100% backwards compatibility, as the type hinting is
> 100% optional, implemented in the same way as array/class type hinting.
> I have the patch on my PC, please let me know where and when i can
> submit it. I'd be happy to do the patching and submission myself, just
> asking for permission here.

What happens for type conversion? Is the param cast to the hinted type?

The idea of type hinting for array and class is to make sure you get
something appropriate.

Rarely would you think of an array and cast it as an integer (or vice
versa), so it makes sense.

But with a string ("0"), an integer (0) or a boolean (false), they are
all the same, so does this mean we would be having to cast all the
params to the function/method?

Richard Quadling
Zend Certified Engineer : http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&r=213474731
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