Stanislav Malyshev wrote:
>> You would now have to go through all ten autoloaders before you can
>> decide that no userspace class DateTime exists in any namespace, and
>> thus the PHP internal class DateTime may be used.
> Even one autoloader is bad enough to not even have to consider the case
> of ten autoloaders. Remember, autoloader is filesystem access.
> Filesystem access on each class mention is a disaster.

it's just slow. regardless namespaces need to work in conjunction with
autoload in a perdictable and understandable manner ... I get the distinct
impression that namespaces+autoload is going to introduce a serious wtf factor.

given that autoload is 'out there' and the raison d'etre of namespaces is,
amongst other things, to enable better leveraging of third party code namespaces
must concede to autoload if only for the reason that one is garanteed to have to
deal with both together at some point if one is ever to seriously make use of
third party namespaced code.

as an aside, is autoload becoming the new 'magic_quotes'?

>> like a fool when you're tired of coming up with arguments. You very
>> well know I meant "import". Reply to the suggestion in a respectful
>> manner, or give it a miss.
> I'm afraid I still do not understand what did you mean. Could you
> explain in more detail?

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