Jani Taskinen wrote:
> Nice to hear some work is done but I get very annoyed every time I see
> the words "behind the scenes" (or something alike). I guess it was
> because it's impossible to discuss anything on internals without the
> noise coming from "outside"..? Could we finally make this list read-only
> for every one but the @php.net people? I get enough spam already, spam
> from this list is not something everyone should suffer from.

All I meant by "behind the scenes" was quite a bit of time using IM,
revising the patch and emailing back and forth to resolve obvious
problems before making a public proposal.  Surely we don't need public
feedback on half-baked ideas?

Incidentally, the multiple namespaces patch has been around for months,
first posted on the list, and the idea of use ::name and the problem of
not having it has been noted multiple times on the list.


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