
Martin Alterisio wrote:
> Please let me do a little explanation of the title first. Japanese is an
> interesting language where context is vital to the meaning of a word.
> Sayonara usually means a simple "good bye", but within a different context
> can mean "we'll probably never meet again".
> To understand this mail you'll have to know that I was just another user of
> PHP, an user that was probably too eager. I wanted to get more involved with
> the development of PHP as I do believe in all the philosophy of open-source.
> In the end I found my attempts ended in frustration, but, nevertheless, I
> learned a lot in just a few months. I don't want this mail to be one where I
> get to display all my frustration, instead I want to leave here all my
> findings, the things I researched, the few things I managed to actually
> code, and mostly the ideas that someone else might find useful.

Snip of interesting technical stuff.

> ---- The end ----
> Well that wraps it all, I think. That's as much as I can download from my
> brain which is related to PHP. Do whatever you want with all this, even the
> spam folder is fine.
> Anyway, it's been fun, and I learned a lot.
> My thanks to everyone that ever gave a hand.
> A former PHP user says to you all:
> Sayonara PHP

While I'll admit I've not fully read your mail due to it's relatively
in-depth and technical nature that I'm not really up-to-speed with
regarding the internals of PHP, it did strike me when skimming the mail,
that you've not really covered your personal standpoint now.

You state some interesting technical about how namespaces and such
will/could work in 5.3 (something which I would personally welcome with
open arms (especially as I've coded around the autoloading issue with
other techniques involving regexps of class names and other such
slightly nasty things (although acceptable if you used good prefixes on
all your class/interface names)).

But you also say you're leaving PHP (if not for good, at least for now)
and you don't really say why, other than referring to the hard initial
entry to the internals community.

If you would be so kind, I think it would be interesting to say why you
have decided to move away from using PHP (and what you are now intending
to use!). I think it would help the PHP community grow stronger with
this kind of information as much as the technical information you've
already given.

> P.S.: Please be understanding if I don't answer replies to this email.

Wishing you all the best.

I appreciate this may not get an answer :)


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