Rasmus Lerdorf skrev:
PHP is first and foremost a Web scripting language. Everything we do and every decision is based on that.

There is one aspect that has popped up in the discussion about array syntax but not here where it is almost as applicable.

ECMAScript 4 will have introduce *optional* strong typing. Not as type hints in functions, but when one is declaring the variable as such.

Ergo: Web developers may very well start thinking more about types very soon. Even if we are not talking about exactly the same thing for PHP.

The developers of Tamarin claim huge performance benefits. Stefan Esser has predicted that type hints may facilitate speed improvements for PHP as well.

Nobody has picked up on that thought, as far as I can see. If he is right - and I am not in a position to say if he is or not - that would count as a really strong argument, IMHO. A lot stronger than "less typing".

Lars Gunther

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