On Sat, 2008-01-26 at 22:13 +0100, Lars Strojny wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Samstag, den 26.01.2008, 12:17 -0500 schrieb Sam Barrow:
> > I don't think throwing a E_NOTICE is appropriate. The isset() construct
> > doesn't throw an E_NOTICE, this shouldn't either.
> As far as I understand it is just an extension to the already present
> tertiary operator and therefore the ifsetor would be
> isset($_GET['foo']) ?: 'bar'.

This doesn't work how you think... if $_GET['foo'] is set then the
return value is true and not the value of $_GET['foo'].

>  I don't understand why that sugar should
> act anything different and not trigger an E_NOTICE.

I thought it was supposed to be a shortcut for doing the following:

    $foo = isset( $_GET['foo'] ) ? $_GET['foo'] : 'xyz';

And I thought the whole point was for it to not generate a notice. Isn't
that why the name ifsetor was chosen? Since it's supposed to work like
isset() by not generating notices?

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