Philip Olson wrote:

A few moons ago the following [rough] wiki page was started with the aim to answer questions not yet covered within the QA site, questions like "installing lcov", "how to test if a test covers what I want", and such. Please feel free to steal information from it for qaweb:
For now, I have put a link in the QA web pages that points to this. I think the QA pages could probably do with a bit of restructuring to make them easier to navigate and at that stage this information should go in, it's very useful. I have restructuring on my long term to-do list - so I'd be more than happy if someone else got there first :-)

Regarding your proposed changes, could you provide a unified diff? Looks good, but it's difficult to see what's been updated. Or, just commit... :)
If there isn't any further feedback by this time tomorrow I'll commit.

Thanks for your help,

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