Hi all,

I want to raise a discussion on subject that is very important for PHP usage on Embedded platforms.

I am myself working on projects where we use PHP to manage embedded devices. Everything was fine but lately the need to work from flash memory appeared.

We discovered that PHP binaries are linked statically with whole PHP functionality and there is huge overhead when several SAPI modules used on same system.

I have few question I hope to get answers on or ideas for:

1) Is there any reason to link all PHP SAPI modules statically with all PHP objects?

2) Is it possible to extract all shared functionality to shared object and links all SAPI modules against it?

3) Next issue is XML with DOM support, we where using LIBXML2 but that costs ~2.5MB are there there options for supporting that?

Maybe someone already addressed footprint problem and has any kind of solutions for that?

Please, any kind of information will helpful here.

Thanks ahead.

Eugene San

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