On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 10:10 AM, Johannes Schlüter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> recently there were quite a few proposals about stuff for 5.3. If we
> implement
> them all we won't finish in a "soonish" time and we get new ideas
> postponing
> the 5.3  release therefore the following:
One thing that never really was resolved were the patches I submitted as a
compromise to some of the early disagreements about late static binding.


There was a little bit of discussion but it was quickly overshadowed by talk
of brackets, imports, and other things. I don't necessarily think all of the
arguments need to be rehashed again as they have been beaten to death, it
would just be good to get an actual decision on whether or not one of them
(hopefully the parent:: one) can make it in.

If so I can update whichever patch.

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