On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 6:05 PM, Steph Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  >>  We already have three sets of rules for that (PEAR rules, php-src rules,
>  >>  version_compare() rules). Basically if version_compare() can deal with
>  >> it,
>  >>  it's in - I don't see how any other approach can be justified, since it
>  >> may
>  >>  mean messing up someone's long-adopted system.
>  >
>  > It has nothing to do with version_compare, absolutely nothing. What
>  > I'm saying is only what PEAR already does successfully since years. It
>  > works very well, it is clear and does not allow some random confusing
>  > versions like 0.1.0-stable.
>  Neither does version_compare(). The only problem I've found with it is that
>  it doesn't recognize 1.0.0 and 1.0 as the same value,

That's a know issue and that's also why we recommend to use the x.y.z
form and not the x.y short version.

> but that's only a
>  problem if you change existing patterns. (Bear in mind that there are
>  existing patterns for everything that ever had a PECL release, which should
>  be honoured if the 'pecl' command is to keep working.) Also, I've found
>  nothing in PECL that deems itself 'stable' at 0.1.0, so I think that's a bit
>  of a red herring. People seem to have been very good about that on the
>  whole.

Yes, it is what we call the common sense. However it would be even
better to document this common sense so packager (linux distros), new
developers and users will know it.

>  OK, here's a plan. How about we allow 'core' as a version tag (for use in
>  MINFO and RC stuff only - package.xml obviously won't use it, and PECL
>  package releases shouldn't either). So you'd have a version string like
>  '1.5.0-core' in phpinfo() and in the .dll for core extensions, and in both
>  cases the PHP version information is also available. A $Revision or $Id
>  string in MINFO would also be useful in core extensions, purely from the
>  bug-tracking PoV.
>  This way you can easily see 1) the package release version, 2) whether or
>  not it ships with PHP (and which version), and 3) when the code was last
>  updated. We also avoid Johannes' problem of needing PECL release packages in
>  a PHP release at a time when this isn't an option.

It may do it. $Revision will still be there (as almost every extension
provides it) but it is not very useful (see previous mails).

As a summay, we have the following cases:

1. a PECL package is now in core and will be maintained only there.
The PECL homepage has to say it
2. a PECL package is now in core and will still be maintained in PECL.
For each PHP releases, a PECL release could be done as well so the
versions can be matched
3. a PECL package is now in core and will still be maintained in PECL.
Core and PECL has two completely different roadmaps, I have no idea
how to actually solve this case :)

>  We also avoid Johannes' problem of needing PECL release packages in
>  a PHP release at a time when this isn't an option.

About merging a PECL release in a PHP release at packaging time
(packaging PHP release), if it is possible to detect whether we are
building an extension inside php-src or using phpize (via pecl or
manually) then it would be possible to add the "-core" postfix via a
simple #ifdef (I'll love to do it for zip).

>  > Well, if a package has not been touched, it won't be built and the old
>  > dll will be kept no?
>  No. We have new PHP versions every now and again...

I obviously meant to do not build it again for a given PHP version.

>  >> These aren't necessarily
>  >>  stable, but that's a whole separate issue... we need a way to clearly
>  >> mark
>  >>  orphaned packages, both for pear/pyrus and for pecl.php.net.
>  >
>  > PEAR already has a nice system for that, I think we can use it as it
>  > is now. It has been proven to work very well since years.
>  Feel free to adapt it to PECL :)

That's what I partially did earlier (x.y.z+1 , x.y+1.z, x+1.y.z). I'll
add the relevant part to the RFC and merge the points we already
agreed on.

>  > It is a non issue as the versions available in the dllinfo is not that
>  > useful. But to apply a patch to a set of random branches is not really
>  > a good idea even if it works for many extensions.
>  I'm not 'applying a patch to a set of random branches'.... tsk!

For example HEAD can be a random branch as well. It was not badly
meant but only a possible source of errors/confusions.

>  > Yes, that's a real problem in PECL. One cause was to move dead
>  > extensions from php-src to pecl/ instead of a orphaned repository. It
>  > also affects only CVS users as long as these packages do not have any
>  > pecl.php.net entry (without releases for example). What would be the
>  > best way to deal with dead or orphaned extensions? A separate
>  > extensions for dead extensions and add a file "REAME.ORPHANED" for the
>  > orphaned extension?
>  I think just ORPHANED, like we already have CREDITS and EXPERIMENTAL.
>  (Elizabeth will disagree - has already - but I really don't see a better way
>  of approaching this.)

ORPHANED may do it as well.

>  > That brings me to the next problem (we can discuss it in a separate
>  > RFC :), but for the record:
>  > - dead extension: useless extension like php4 dom or axis (not in pecl
>  > anymore)
>  > - orphaned extension: could still be useful but no active maintainer
>  > (for example event)
>  The problem there is that it's not always possible to know the difference.
>  How do we know if an extension is 'dead', what are the criteria for that?

There is many obvious cases:
- a given extension is hosted somewhere else
- the service used or targeted by the extension does not exist anymore
- the extension is superseded by core features (php4 dom for example)

It has to be discussed on a case by case basis anyway but for the vast
majority, it is rather obvious.

>  And should they be removed? (My instinct says 'yes' but thousands may
>  disagree with me.) Also, who gets to make that decision?

Having the code still readable somewhere is a good thing. We can
simply move them in  pecldeadext repository.

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