On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 9:57 AM, Stanislav Malyshev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What's the use of such code? If $var is '1' and not 1, what's the use of
> throwing an exception and having to handle it later (basically by failing
> the task, since you don't know how to do foo() now) - instead of just doing
> with that 1 what was intended for? There's no any difference between 1 and
> '1' that can be important to anybody. Only difference is the way it is
> represented in underlying bits in zvals, about which nobody should ever
> care. That's like making function that would accept only arguments that has
> 3'rd bit of pointer set to 1 and 5th bit set to 0, and reject all others. No
> sane application should ever behave this way. Writing such function is just
> plain wrong, it replaces the substance of programming with nitpicking over
> the details that are not important. Whole phenomenon of dynamic languages
> has grown on the principle of liberating people from caring for bits and
> concentrate on substance, and now you try to drag the bits back in.
> So every time you call foo you need try/catch? And that's supposed to be
> _good_?

Somebody missed the point...

Seeing how you work for zend I thought maybe you have used the zend
framework = ) Sorry in my example I used "int" instead of "numeric", but my
point is the same, grep in zend framework for is_bool.

It does what you are complaining about:

From: Zend_Pdf_Element_Numeric
    public function __construct($val)
        if ( !is_numeric($val) ) {
            throw new Zend_Pdf_Exception('Argument must be numeric');

        $this->value   = $val;

That could be...
    public function __construct(numeric $val)
        $this->value   = $val;

So, let's re-visit my point of "less code bloat"....

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