2008/5/14 Christian Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Am 14.05.2008 um 02:06 schrieb Marcus Boerger:
>>> So you are saying that
>>>       $o_Foo->bar = array(42);
>>> is ok when the class "expects" a string but
>>>       unset($o_Foo->bar);
>>> or (as as slight variation)
>>>       $o->Foo->bar = null;
>>> is not?
>> I Do not get the connection here? And since when can we 'expect' a string
>> only for a property?
> You stated that allowing unset() is a bug. I replied that unset() is not
> different from setting the value to array(42) or null and should be allowed.
> Apropos 'expect': A programmer of a class can have some expectations of what
> is stored in attributes, PHP does not enforce these expectations (hence I
> put expect in quotes). And just to make it clear: I want to keep it that
> way, I do not want PHP to become more strict than it is.
> So I completely agree with Stas here.
> - Chris

Chris (and others).

_IF_ the property was defined in an interface, should "unset" be
"allowed" to remove the property?

The current behaviour of allowing a property of a normal class to be
removed is debatable. (It is currently doing so, so for BC it should
probably stay as such).

With the interface though, we _are_ saying we want to enforce its
existence, so it must always exist and as such unset() would/should
have no meaning and be an error (attempting to change an enforced
interface structure).

Maybe this is a difference for E_STRICT?


Richard Quadling
Zend Certified Engineer : http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&r=213474731
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