I don't really consider myself worthy to preach to the Powers That Be, but this is an issue about which I happen to feel strongly, and y'all asked for some user-land opinions, so here goes. To further clarify (and disclaim), I have never spoken up on this list before, I haven't until recently (circa 5.3-related discussions) followed it much. I certainly don't feel that I'm in any way entitled to a voice here, for the aforementioned reasons, so if you did take a moment out of your day to read, thanks for a bit of your time and consideration. Even if you completely disagree, hopefully you get a good laugh out it; I did my best to make it an entertaining read.

For me, this argument really comes down to two main points, which I'll summarize below, and then go on to describe in detail:

(1) It will bring happiness to users, and warm the hearts of little boys and girls all across the land

(2) Almost every single argument that has been brought up against the implementation of this feature is either bogus or largely irrelevant


(1) Happiness:

This fact has been pointed out previously, but it bears repeating: the divide between users and committers on this issue is stark: only 1/3 of committers are in favor, but almost all users who have voiced opinions on the issue are in favor. The people actually using the language want something new, because in this case something new is better. Come on guys, arrays are our bread and butter. PHP has more support for working with arrays than it does for doing pretty much anything else. Arrays have been the basis of most of how we interact with PHP for years. Even after objects were added, support for them up until recently has been less-than-completely-ideal. I'm not saying that as a complaint, just to further emphasize the point that arrays are embedded into the core of every PHP developer.

To the counter-argument that you're only having to type 5 extra characters: yeah, sure, for *one* array declaration, but think of how often arrays are used. Multiply those 5 characters out over all your data containers, all your loops, all your method-calls-with-options- arrays. You'll see that those 5 characters start to add up reeeaall fast. And on nested arrays? Don't even get me started.

This change would help clean up and simplify a lot of code, and make the daily experience of working with PHP code that much more pleasant. So please guys, consider putting in the little bit of extra effort to see this feature through. Arrays are the most basic and essential language construct we have, and the returns on making them even just a little bit easier to work with will be huge.

(2) Irrelevant and bogus reasons:

Look, almost all of you are smarter than me, and more experienced programmers, but I think you guys really missed the boat on this one. I get that you've been with the language forever and have gotten kind of set in your ways. You've grown resistant to change to the point where you're hardened against it. I dig. Believe me, I've been there. So, you've come up with reasons not to change. I've done my best to respond to each of them individually, in hopes that you'll step outside the same old way you've always made decisions, to consider that maybe this is actually a good idea after all.

(1) Readability: There are roughly an equal number of arguments for and against this, which I find very telling. Both sides of the argument are equally true, and therefore cancel each other out. See, syntax is a tool, and as we know, tools can be used for good or ill, to equal and opposite extents. People who write unreadable code will continue to write unreadable code using this syntax because it's more compact. People who write readable code will continue to write readable code using this syntax because it's simpler and more concise.

(2) Lack of Googlability: Guys, seriously, it's a language construct. PHP programmers have never been able to Google curly braces or double arrows, JavaScript programmers have never been able to Google the fact that you can't extend a class even though there's an "extends" keyword, Python programmers have never been able to Google whitespace, and Perl programmers have never been able to Google... well, a bunch of crazy shit.

(3) N00b Confusability: To some extent this ties into #2, and also to some extent #1, because we're dealing with n00b cognition, and as with #1 there are rougly equal and opposite arguments on both sides. This is kind of a two part-er, since you can *sort of* argue it on the basis of recognition, but on the other hand, you really can't argue it at all, either way. Or at least, no one participating in this discussion can. You see, the problem is, no one participating in this discussion can currently or could have recently applied for n00b status. We are all so far from n00bs, that (at least when it comes to this issue) it is almost completely impossible to try and speculate about what will confuse a n00b; you just can't do it. The only way figure out whether or not n00bs would be confused by this syntax construct is to find some n00bs, sit them down in front of a code example or two, and ask them. That's right, a n00b focus group. One rule: no code examples where it's retardedly obvious that they've been contrived in order to prove a point. Only things that you would reasonably and commonly find in the average PHP app (yeah, I know, I'm not exactly setting the bar very high, but still).

Now, I did say there was one way in which you could possibly try and speculate about this issue without tracking down any actual n00bs: recognizability. Okay, ready? Clear your mind, and pretend you know nothing about PHP, you've never seen it before. Now, someone shows you a set of comma-separated values enclosed in square brackets. What does it look like to you? What does the token parser in your brain tell you that thing might be? If you have even a passing familiarity with any other modern web language, the answer should be immediately obvious. Heck, even if you've never written a line of code in your life, but you know a little bit of math, you should still be able to get the gist. Now, if you don't know math, and all you've ever done on a computer is peck out emails to your grandkids, or you're from Zimbabwe and you've never even seen a computer before, then why the heck are you trying to figure out how to program without a manual?

(3) Maintenance: I've never maintained a programming language before, so I can't really speak to this one beyond speculation and what's already been said. To me, it doesn't seem like much -- just a new way to define an existing language construct. To me, it seems like the kind of thing you could just set and forget. But what do I know? So here's my offer: if two core committers, or even just one, were willing to champion this feature, I will take full responsibility for coming up with funding to see it implemented... and maintained -- $100US per hour of development time.

Finally, as Andi and Rasmus have both pointed out, the language needs to grow. It needs to grow, because things that don't grow begin to die. Please don't let my language of happiness die! Please? Won't you please think of the children?

Again, thank you all for your time and consideration.

- Nate
  Lead Developer, CakePHP

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