
So we still have a number of unreviewed submissions in the TestFest bug tracker [1]. We need people willing to review these submissions. The process is quite easy, just head on over to the website, pick a submission, assign the submission, review the test, commit and mark as done or provide feedback. Of course you need a login, but Zoe, Pierre or myself can quickly set anyone up with an account.

We have the following areas with open submissions:
- SPL (10)
- GD (3)
- Standard (13)
- Date (2)
- SQLite (7)
- OpenSSL (1)
- curl (1)
- EXIF (1)
- hash (2)
- Reflection (22)
- DOM (5)
- PHP Info (2)

All in all there are still 70 open submissions.

If you have any questions please feel free to tackle Zoe or myself. Directest way is IRC on #php.pecl on efnet or #phptestest on freenode. Email works too of course.

Hope you all approve that I am cross posting to internals. It should hopefully be a fairly low effort way for extension authors to get their test coverage up a bit and maybe they will get regular test contributions for their extension of all goes well.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

[1] http://testfest.php.net

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