On 16.07.2008, at 16:13, Christopher Jones wrote:

Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:
> On 16.07.2008, at 00:50, Christopher Jones wrote:
>> > We could still support older Oracle versions with an optional
>> > download. If we want to be super fancy, we might even include a note
>> > in an error message when trying to connect to older versions that
>> > there is pdo_oci8 available as an optional download from win.php.net
>> > (or whatever our pecl4win.php.net replacement will be).
>> I'd prefer to keep the status quo instead of making the build more
>> complex. The idea was to simplify the distribution and move forward.
>> The DB versions in question are Oracle 7 - released in 1993, and
>> Oracle 8.0 - released in 1997, IIRC.  These versions are even more
>> uncommon than when PDO_OCI was created in back 2004.
> Well for Oracle 7 I can definitely see it, but Oracle 8 will still be in > production in plenty of places. I am fine with not supporting them out > of the box, but I think we should try to offer them a download from PECL > by the time 5.3.0 ships. That being said the world will not end for me
> if we do not provide this, especially since I assume very few people
> will have Oracle 8 and running a PDO based app on windows. Most people
> will probably be using ext/oci8 for this kind of setup.

Of the Oracle 8.x releases, there will be more 8.1 in use than 8.0 and
only the latter is directly affected.  Php_pdo_oci.dll will connect to
Oracle 8.1.

Ah ok, I was thinking 8.x .. now it makes more sense to me.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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