Hello Arnaud,

Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 11:23:47 AM, you wrote:

> Hello,

>> > Care to look into the MultipleIterator next?

> That's done, for 5_3 [1] and HEAD [2].
> And a test [3][4] covering mostly all the cases.

> [1] http://arnaud.lb.s3.amazonaws.com/MultipleIterator_5_3.patch
> [2] http://arnaud.lb.s3.amazonaws.com/MultipleIterator_HEAD.patch
> [3] http://arnaud.lb.s3.amazonaws.com/multiple_iterator_001_5_3.phpt
> [4] http://arnaud.lb.s3.amazonaws.com/multiple_iterator_001_HEAD.phpt

Great work once more. I just moved the stuff all into spl_observer.c to
avoid increasing the amount of stuff that gets exported in the headers.
I also did a few minor tweaks and cleanups, nothing important though.

- setFlags parses directly into &intern->flags which is a long for that
- added !EG(exception) for the loops, though I have another patch that will
  make exception handling better

I've also upgraded you, you've got php-src access now, use it wisely :-)

Best regards,

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