Moin Marcus!

Marcus Boerger schrieb:
  to be honest this is the wrong way. The correct way of fixing this is to
have PHP 6 name it correct: string and binary. And to have b for binary
prefix rather then u for unicode. Or did PHP 6 change in the meanwhile and
we support u"Nonsense" besides b"Binary"?

I'm not sure if a change to PHP would help solving the original question on portable tests which I raised on the QA list. I asked for a way to write "portable" tests. That is a test which can be run on both PHP 5 and PHP 6 -- one file for both PHP 5 and PHP 6 (like in early PHP 6 days with UEXPECTF), not two versions that need to be kept in sync (like nowadays).

Currently we have:

 PHP 5
 var_dump("PHP" . chr(0) . " rocks!")         --> string(9) "PHProcks"
 var_dump((binary)"PHP" . chr(0) . " rocks!") --> string(9) "PHProcks"

 PHP 6
 var_dump("PHP" . chr(0) . " rocks!")         --> unicode(9) "PHProcks"
 var_dump((binary)"PHP" . chr(0) . " rocks!") --> unicode(9) "PHProcks"

The patch to run-tests.php allows you to use in your EXPECTF or EXPECTREGEXP section:

  %unicode|string%(9) "PHProcks"

With PHP 5, run-tests.php will search for string(9) "PHProcks" and with PHP 6 it will search for unicode(9) "PHProcks": one EXPECTF section, one test file for both PHP 5 and PHP 6.

If I get you right, you suggest that it should read as follows in PHP 6:

 var_dump("PHP" . chr(0) . " rocks!")         --> string(9) "PHProcks"
 var_dump((binary)"PHP" . chr(0) . " rocks!") --> binary(9) "PHProcks"

This may be correct and desired. However, if you change it, I'm back to my question: is there a way to write a "portable" test?


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