Hello Stanislav,

Tuesday, August 12, 2008, 12:58:29 AM, you wrote:

> Hi!

>> So why the $%#$%& can't we use "package" if the implementation has
>> nothing incommon with namespaces in c++ (your example, not mine)?

> We could use "package" or we could use "hexaflexagon" or we could use 
> "triskaidekaphobia" or any other word. But if we have namespace 
> implementation in PHP, why don't we call it "namespace"? Because it is 
> "inconsistent" with C++? To hell with C++ then, nobody said PHP is C++.

>> Well. I do want that indentation if I ever will be dumb enough to have
>> multiple namespace in the same file..

> Indentation happens when you do () even once. {} implies that everything 
> inside it is on next level of hierarchy and thus should be indented.
> Of course, it's "inconsistent" with Python, so maybe we should drop 
> braces altogether...

>> Its not about consistency for me. Its about that little gut feeling you have.

> Well, of course I can not address little gut feeling with any logical 
> argument. But to hell with logic and reasoning, let the little gut 
> feeling rule.

Sorry but you never ever provided any logical reasoning for the current
way. The reasons that were brought up were:

a) JavaScript will have it in some future

-> works in the same way as C++ has this or Java that

b) We used to have in our first implementation

-> which by the way used curly braces, and the only reason we we dropped it
   was because I was outruled by you and Zeev when we encountered the
   ternariy ambiguty and noone tought it was fixable even though I said it
   was fixable. Sadly I never provided a working patch back then.

c) We said we were adding namespaces at some point, not saying in which way
   we would.

Best regards,

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