On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 6:36 AM, Hartmut Holzgraefe
> Mangol Smith wrote:
>> I'm trying to debug my extension.It says that PHP is built with debug
>> flag,
>> but my not my extenison. I used --enable-debug for PHP build. But, in the
>> extension I wrote I can't find any configure option associated with debug
>> in
>> ./configure --help. I tried using the options --enable-debug and
>> --with-debug options, but no result. PHP is giving a startup error while
>> loading my extension.
> the information whether to build a debug extension or not
> is fetched from the PHP installation you're building
> against, specifically from the ZEND_DEBUG definition in


You should also note that before this change
the shared extension is built with optimizations even if PHP is
configured with --enable-debug.

Mikko Koppanen

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