On 04.09.2008 23:08, Stan Vassilev | FM wrote:
There won't be any bug reports, if the ini parser detects improper backslash usage (i.e., using a backslash with a following character which doesn't form correct escape combination) and stops with informative and descriptive message explaining the parser changes. Then anyone who can read, will figure it out, and fix it.

Did you actually read what Johannes said?
"c:\Documents\tony" is perfectly legal string in both cases.
But in 5.3 it means "c:\Documents<tab>ony" and this is THE problem.
No error messages, no explanation whatsoever.


I read it. \D in the same string isn't a legal escaped combination and this is where the user will be warned. Most paths are like this and this is enough information for the user to receive an error with a link to the changes described.

Furthermore, since when is INI compatibility a feature of PHP. I've never considered I can simply upgrade my PHP and paste the old INI and run like that with no tests whatsoever.

Stan Vassilev

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