
Multiple namespaces per file were introduced to allow certain workflows in PEAR 
and frameworks like Symphony which can combine multiple classes and namespaces 
in a single package.

They work like this:

namespace X;


namespace Y;


The problem is, no one thought of scoping "use" statements, so now those merged 
files share their "use" imports, thus breaking all the code where collisions 

Also we have the problems with name resolution of internal vs user classes and 
autoloaders, discussed here.

And we also have the non-intuitive differentiation between resolving 
functions/classes/constant which will most likely lead people to believe 
functions/constants aren't supported in any way in namespaces (if they try, and 
it doesn't work, they won't try second time).

Which leads me to the following proposal:

For PHP 5.3 we introduce namespaces with a very limited "safe" set of barebones 
features, that we won't regret later for releasing and having to modify in a 
non-BC way. It'll let people start porting their code and be ready for the full 
featureset later on, which will be a proper superset of the 5.3 release:

1) We disable support for multiple namespaces per file as it is, as it can't be 
used without ability to scope "use" statements as well.

2) We remove the statement "use" (regarding namespaces, not regarding 
closures), until we get more feedback from the community on the exact preferred 
resolution algorithms, and more thought is put to this.

For PHP 5.4 or 6:

1) Introduce file-level "use" statements with same syntax as now, but modified 
resolution rules based on further discussion and feedback. And if someone is 
about to say "we had plenty of discussion", well it's apparent we didn't have 
enough given all the problems facing namespaces right now, or maybe not enough 
of the constructive type of discussion.

2) Introduce ability to scope "use" and "namespace" statements with curly 
brackets, so that multiple files can be safely merged without changing intent 
(all file-level namespace can be converted with curly brackets, and the 
existing curly bracket ones don't need to be converted), example:

namespace X {
    use Y as Z {

namespace Y {
    use X as Z {

Waiting for your feedback...

Stan Vassilev 

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