
I've decided to play a little with namespaces as some of you asked for feedback 
on this list or on your blogs. I'm just an userland developer and have no clue 
about PHP internals so forgive me if I say something stupid in this regard.
Here's what I found on some simple test. It may be the intended behaviour but 
confused me so I decided to ask on this list for clarifications.

I have two files:

1. include.php

namespace Test;

class Bar
    public static function baz()
        return 'namespaced static method';

function foo() {
    return 'namespaced function';

2. index.php

require_once 'include.php';
use Test::Bar;

class Test
    public static function foo()
        return 'static method';

echo Test::foo(); // outputs namespace function
echo '<br>';
echo ::Test::foo(); // outputs namespace function
echo '<br>';
echo call_user_func(array('Test', 'foo')); // outputs static method
echo '<br>';
echo Bar::baz(); // outputs namespaced static method
echo '<br>';
echo call_user_func(array('Bar', 'baz')); // gives warning

I have executed them on a very recent snapshot of 5.3.0alpha3-dev on a Windows 
XP. The result is put on comments by the appropriate lines.

My questions are:

1. How should I call the static method foo in the global class Test (except for 
2. How should I call the static method baz of class Bar in namespace Test with 
3. Is there no possibility to change your minds and replace the double colon 
with something else, likes a simple colon? I find it very confusing to figure 
out what is what and the way I should call it.

Thank you in advance,
I. Stan


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