William A. Rowe, Jr. schrieb:
Well, the binaries probably include c runtimes under liberal MS license.
They might be kind and give you mysql and a host of other GPL features under
a very restrictive license.

With any PHP before 5.3, you'll have to compile any of the MySQL extensions (ext/mysqli, PDO MySQL, ext/mysql) against the MySQL Client Library (libmysql). libmysql is GPL + FLOSS Licence exception [1].

As of PHP 5.3 you can optionally compile all the MySQL extensions against the MySQL native driver for PHP (mysqlnd) instead of compiling against libmysqlnd. mysqlnd is part of the PHP source tree and as such licensed under the terms of the PHP license.

PHP's license is, as Cristian says, very liberal and you have nothing to
worry about until you link to something ;-)

Go PHP 5.3, go mysqlnd ;-)


[1] http://www.mysql.com/about/legal/licensing/foss-exception.html

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