
Sorry, I just have to make some points now. Call it "venting for a cause", if you think I overreact. But be sure that the consequences I lay out below for TYPO3v5 and FLOW3 are very real.

Vesselin Kenashkov wrote:
I see the point and objections against "quick and dirty", but on the other
hand the discussion about the namespaces started long time ago - two years
already? If for two years there wasn't an agreement how they have to be
implemented (or even whether to add them at all! because I see many comments
in this sense) what are the reasons to think that in the next 5-6 months,
when php6 will reach its "release stage" with the first alphas, this will be

I see no reasons to believe in such a statement. We started using PHP6 snapshots for TYPO3v5 and what is now known as FLOW3 in late 2006 because (actually compiled first version during the PHP Conference in Frankfurt after listening to an encouraging talk by Derick) we wanted to be "only-unicode-finally". We were happy with a 2 year timeline at that point, because we were just starting.

A year later we listened/talked to Derick again, and decided to write a wrapper[1] that emulates the most needed things and drop on PHP6, because we learned that it might take another 2 to 10 years, and almost nobody was really caring.

Now we decided a few weeks ago to make use of namespaces and adjusted the whole codebase[2] about a month ago - because it seemed clear that 5.3 and namespaces were around the corner.

Honestly, saying that "those using non-released code should not complain" is ridiculous if those people did so because the PHP developers asked to use namespaces in larger projects to get feedback. That feedback already led to disucssions collecting what could become a best practices guide on namespace use.

And, as I said in another post, pulling that again weakens trust in any further announcement. In March Ilia in Montreal presented 5.3 and namespaces was on the list then. Come on, *now*, months later, you notice (again) that maybe it should not be part of it?

And how come I have the feeling that suddenly a number of people say "let's pull it" that did not add suggestions on solving potential issues in the last weeks?

On behalf of at least three dozen TYPO3 core developers,

[1] http://forge.typo3.org/repositories/show/package-php6
[2] http://forge.typo3.org/repositories/show/packages
Karsten Dambekalns
FLOW3 & TYPO3 Development
TYPO3 Association

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