I was hoping to have at least 30 respondees at this stage, but actually have 29 (and that includes Hannes' abstention). However, to keep y'all up to date, here's where we're up to with Greg's proposals.

Option #3 is in the lead, but that lead is still pretty fragile; there are only 3 full votes between #3 and option #1. 'Liveability' - ie whether people could live with an alternative option - is therefore becoming more important now.

#4 appears to be out of the running completely, and #2 is a long way behind.

If option #3 (or #1) gains a clear lead, we could get it down to two proposals (Stas' versus Greg's) rather than three in the final round.

- Steph

Name                Issue A                    Issue B
Greg                #2 (alt #3, #1)            Yes
Guilherme           #3                         Yes
Kalle               #4                         Yes
Tony Bibbs          #3                         Yes
Jaroslav Hanslik    #1 (alt #3)                Yes
Nathan Rixham*      #2 (DS, alt #1 DS, #4)     Yes
Liz                 #1 or #3                   Yes
Andrei              #2 (alt #3, #1)            Yes
Janusz Lewandowski* #4 (alt #3)                Yes
Steph               #3 (alt #2)                Abstained
Josh Davies         #2 (DS)                    Yes
Hannes              Abstained                  Abstained
Lester              #3                         N/A
Alexey              #3                         Yes
Marc Boeren         #1 (DS)                    N/A
Derick              #1                         No
Vesselin Kenashkov  #3                         Yes
Lars*               #3 (alt #1)                N/A
Karsten Damberkalns #1 (alt #3)                Yes
Jochem Maas         #2 (alt #3, #1)            Yes
Richard Quadling    #1 (alt #2)                No
Justin Carlson      #3                         N/A
James Dempster      #1                         Yes
Christian Schneider #3                         N/A
Ben Ramsey          #3                         N/A
Ron Rademaker       #3                         N/A
Luke Richards       #1                         Yes
Stas                #3                         No
Geoffry Sneddon     #1                         Yes

name* = corrected/altered/clarified initial vote
DS    = 'with different separator'

Issue A:
#1 - 14 (2 with different separator)
#2 - 8 (2 with different separator)
#3 - 19
#4 - 3
Abs- 1

Issue A weighted (first choice gets 2 points, rest 1):
#1 - 18 + 5 = 23
#2 - 10 + 3 = 13
#3 - 24 + 7 = 31
#4 -  4 + 1 =  5
Abs - 2 + 0 =  2
  = 58/2
  = 29 people

Issue B:
Yes - 17
No  - 3 (see Richard and Stas' arguments)
Abs - 2
N/A - 7
   = 29 people

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