On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 01:15, Greg Beaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Someone mentioned that it is possible to change keybindings so that it
> is easier to do [] {} and \.  The only post I've found that mentions
> anything about this is
> http://chneukirchen.org/blog/archive/2007/12/wie-man-die-macbook-tastatur-unter-leopard-entnervt.html
> Are there other sources that could be cited in the documentation?

Uhh... You want to encourage people to change their keyboard layout/bindings?
Norwegian people have happily lived hitting altrgr+4 for $ for years
now, altgr+7 for {, altgr+8 [, altgr+9], altgr+0}...
\ is a the second char on the right from 0... no altgr combo...

But now you suddenly want to tell people how to change their
keybindings? Goto sleep man.


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