Here are some reasons why we felt that functions/constants should fallback:
- most namespace users will be using classes and not functions

This is a self-fulfilling prophecy, the more you open a gap between classes and functions, the more people will stick with the richer functionality since it's just too much hassle to bother with two different paradigms.

Case in point: do you know a major reason why people keep using static methods to "fake" functions? It's not as much to namespace it. I mean Foo::bar() or Foo_bar(), who cares? It's all the same.

But the big difference is, I don't have to explicitly load the function library if it's a static class. Classes have autoload, functions mysteriously don't. Hence, even I have abandoned using functions today and use fugly static method hacks. It's less hassle to do it wrong right now, than do it right. So I do it wrong.

Namespaces won't change any of this, since I still can't autoload my function library.

Stan Vassilev

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