Jaroslav Hanslík wrote:
> David Grudl napsal(a):
>> Hello!
>> This code leads to fatal error: Class 'Nette\Loaders\Nette\Object'. Is
>> it a bug in current implementation or namespace resolution rules has
>> been changed?
>> namespace Nette;
>> class Object
>> {}
>> namespace Nette\Loaders;
>> class AutoLoader extends Nette\Object
>> {}
>> $obj = new AutoLoader;
>> Thank you,
>> David Grudl
> I'm maybe wrong but I think that namespace resolution rules has been
> changed. This should work:
> namespace Nette\Loaders;
> class AutoLoader extends \Nette\Object
> {}


The resolution rules have changed in that way.  The reason was an

// Autoload extends Sub\Object
class Autoloader extends Sub\Object {}
// Another extends Object
class Another extends Object {}

versus this code:

namespace Nette;
// Nette\Autoload extends Sub\Object
class Autoloader extends Sub\Object {}
// Nette\Another extends Nette\Object
class Another extends Object {}

The problem was that it isn't immediately clear why we would consider
"Sub\Object" to be the same as "\Sub\Object", but "Object" to be
different from "\Object" inside a namespace context, but the same
outside a namespace context.

This is an important thing for developers of namespaced code to realize.
 The docs have been updated in my personal checkout of php-doc, and I am
revising them to make them clearer, and also waiting on a few other
details to make it into CVS before committing.


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