
Hmmm I'm just trying to solve the basic problem (hence my skepticism towards
preserving keys - it seems an edge case). I think once you get to more
specific requirements, iterators are probably the way to go, since all the
standard functions you could use to shorten this would re-iterate over the
array internally anyway.



On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 7:56 AM, Lukas Kahwe Smith <>wrote:

> In one of my recent projects I had the need for something like this. I
> essentially had a recursive data structure of organizations and frequently I
> had to get a list of all organization ID's that were above or underneath a
> given organization. So I had to write a deeply self join which would produce
> lets say around 3-4 columns that either contained an ID or were NULL.
> I ended up with an implementation like the following. Actually looking at
> it now it seems way too complex but it works, so it goes:
>    function flattenArray($array) {
>        if (empty($array)) {
>            return array();
>        }
>        $first = reset($array);
>        if (empty($first)) {
>            return array();
>        }
>        $keys = array_keys($first);
>        $result = array();
>        foreach ($array as $row) {
>            foreach ($keys as $key) {
>                if (!empty($row[$key])) {
>                    $result[] = $row[$key];
>                }
>            }
>        }
>        $result = array_unique($result);
>        return $result;
>    }
> So I guess what I am asking for is a flag to ignore NULL's. Kind of reminds
> me of that patch Igor proposed the other day. Then again, we have sooooo
> many array functions its not even funny. So maybe we really should look more
> towards Iterators to help us consolidate things. Not sure.
> regards,
> Lukas

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