
On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 11:42 AM, Karsten Dambekalns <kars...@typo3.org> wrote:

> Recently someone using our software told us about problems with generated
> filenames being too long. I did some research on the net and some quick
> tests on Vista Business, and it seems there is indeed still a problem.
> While NTFS supports path lengths of up to 32k characters,

By the way, this limit is approximative.

> "most software"
> still supports only 255 (or 260 on Vista) character filenames. Since that
> includes the full path, we run into this problem with file based caching
> filenames.
> Since there are ways to use long(er) filenames, does anyone know if this
> planned for PHP? Should it work? Is this a problem others also see?

There is no plan yet to increase this value. The main problem is that
the maximum length of a path is volume dependent, not system

To support longer path, it would mean to check the volume information
for each file operation (once per volume, cache it and reuse it) as
well as using dymamic  allocation for for the filename itself, in many
places. I'm not sure it is worth the effort.

You can use a hash as filename, as a temporary workaround.


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