Johannes Schlüter wrote:
I know Ilia recently fixed a few functions that didn't ignore null
parameters, but it doesn't appear that substr() was one of them.

I guess that's part of the zend_parse_parameters changes. As we now use
the "s" modifier for instance which might better be a "s!". We should
certainly spent some time on checking these things.

All remember: We're feature freezing, so spend time on finding and
fixing bugs instead of adding new ones! :-)
(this includes users who can at least report such issues ... )

So this morning I downloaded php5.2-200901271530, php5.3-200901271530, compiled with ./configure --prefix=/home/gnat/php5.{2,3} respectively and then used the following source file to see how they behaved.

$string = 'The String is here';
echo "STRING: $string\n";
echo "SUB".substr($string,3,null)."\n";
echo "END\n";

in both cases the output I get is

STRING: The String is here

showing that passing null as the third param for substr is somehow interpreted to mean no length or something. Is this indeed a bug then? and if so where can I submit it?

Nathanael d. Noblet
Gnat Solutions, Inc
T: 403.875.4613

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