
I've added a new RFC to the wiki
(http://wiki.php.net/rfc/remove_zend_api). It details a plan to try
and decouple the Zend engine from the libraries, in order to allow
large scale changes to the Zend engine in the future. The RFC
describes a prototype phase of the project, which could reasonably be
done within a GSOC project, so I have added it to the GSOC 09 page

If anybody has any comments, I'd be delighted to hear them. If anybody
knows (or is) a good student looking for a GSOC project (and I've left
it late, there are only 3 days left to apply), please encourage the
student to look at this. Finally, if anybody is interested in helping
mentor this as part of the GSOC, I'd be grateful for the help (I have
to start writing my thesis soon).


Paul Biggar

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