On Thu, 2009-04-02 at 09:13 -0700, Chris Stockton wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Robert Cummings <rob...@interjinn.com> wrote:
> >
> > Wrap the whole  highlighted block in a div with a class:
> >
> >    <div class="php-highlighted-code">
> >    </div>
> >
> > Add one more INI setting to change that class. Let users leverage
> > hierarchical CSS rules:
> >
> > div.php-highlighted-code span.keyword { color: red; }
> I like that, and would further elaborate instead of INI changes etc,
> allow a key-value pair array to be passed as a third argument. Perhaps
> ini changes could be the "default" names.
> mixed highlight_file (string $filename [, bool $return= false [, array
> $class_names]]);
> comment|default|keyword|html|string)
> Array(
>     'div_wrapper' => 'xyz-cms-div-wrapper',
>     'default' => 'xyz-cms-default',
>     'etc' => 'xyz-cms-etc',
> );
> The good thing about this as well, is for some odd or logical reason
> if your using highlighting multiple times, you can change the class
> names of each highlight without something like ini_set.

To be honest I don't think it's necessary, and on further reflection I
don't think you even need to offer an INI setting to change the class
name since if you want different styling you can merely wrap the the
main div in your own div and use another hierarchical level:

<div class="alt-highlighting">
<div class="php-highlighted-code">

And the css:

div.alt-highlighting div.php-highlighted-code span.keyword
    color: blue;

So being able to change the outer class name seems redundant.

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