On Fri, 2009-02-06 at 20:06 +0100, Kalle Sommer Nielsen wrote:
> I'd like to propose a change for when PHP starts to throw an
> E_DEPRECATED notice for each of the deprecated ini directives (such as
> register_globals, safe_mode ect.) like in HEAD where they just throw a
> warning (more about that below). I have attached a patch for this in
> 5.3 (which is the only branch this patch really relates to).


Good thing to notice the user of bad configuration. I'm wondering a bit
how we can educate people about magic_quotes_gpc ... people who blindly
disable them probably break stuff which is "secure" by accident. This is
not only relevant to this patch though. The best idea I have is a clear
pointer to the docs from the message ...


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