PHP 5 Bug Database summary -

 Num Status     Summary (1326 total -- which includes 867 feature requests)
===============================================[*Network Functions]===========
48167 To be documented  undefined function checkdnsrr()
===============================================[*XML functions]===============
48095 Verified   Load RDF Format Error
===============================================[Apache2 related]==============
32220 Assigned   [PATCH] thread_resources for thread not getting freed when 
apache kills thread
47675 Open       File descriptor leaked due to HAVE_BROKEN_GETCWD
47681 Open       System TMP dir ignored in file uploads
48134 Open       crash after a few days (backtrace attached) with worker MPM
48260 Open       Size of PHP file affects behaviour of virtual() or #include 
===============================================[Arrays related]===============
47221 Open       no result from array_diff()
48405 Feedback   Segmentation fault while type casting array into object
===============================================[BC math related]==============
44995 Open       bcpowmod() using a scale function always returns 0
46564 Verified   bcmod( '1071', '357.5' ) returns '0'
===============================================[Bzip2 Related]================
29521 Assigned   compress.bzip2 wrapper
===============================================[Calendar related]=============
40213 Suspended  easter_date() returns wrong timestamp if ...
===============================================[CGI related]==================
45217 Open       crash if -z and -m are used together
47042 Open       cgi sapi is incorrectly removing the SCRIPT_FILENAME for non 
47412 Open       PHP_MSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION not being called under FastCGI
47605 Open       CGI SAPI can not send HTTP 200 header
47627 Open       "No input file specified" causing crash
47766 Feedback   php-cgi.exe crashes
48419 Feedback   non-portable CGI code (Empty POST data)
===============================================[Class/Object related]=========
41461 Verified   E_STRICT notice when overriding methods not defined by an 
Interface in hierarchy
46140 Open       Unserializing with __wakeup that removes child causes 
subsequent refs to shift
46812 To be documented  get_class_vars() does not include visible private 
variable looking at subclass
47405 Verified   error reports wrong file/line
48215 Verified   Child calling parent::func calls constructor instead of method 
(BC break!)
===============================================[COM related]==================
31327 Assigned   chinese char and word problem
32099 Assigned   After opening ADO connection and closing it repeatedly, Apache 
stops service
34253 Assigned   COM binary object/array issue (question marks?)
35875 Assigned   IE event failure upon scheduling script
36360 Assigned   PHP crashes when accessing an object that was just create by 
parent object
37562 Assigned   Unable to lookup "ParameterFieldDefinitions"
37899 Assigned   [PATCH] php_char_to _OLECHAR copies junk bytes
37965 Assigned   Multi-dimensional array between PHP and COM
38719 Assigned   COM Error during accessing function VirtualMachines
40424 Assigned   Fatal error when setting the value of COM object's property 
40581 Assigned   Pass Struct type to COM object from PHP
40664 Assigned   String conversion functions wrong for multibyte chars
41055 Assigned   DOTNET not instantiating fully-pathed assembly
41078 Assigned   Its not possible to call Static dotNet Classes with dotnet
41189 Assigned   Multi-dimensional array in COM function causes hang
41368 Assigned   ADODB.Recordset ActiveConnection property - can't set with PHP 
41388 Assigned   Error in COM Object results
41577 Assigned   DOTNET is successful once per server run
42413 Assigned   Cannot iterate IE's event object
42551 Assigned   new COM("HTMLFile") => warnings
42585 Assigned   die() in event handler => PHP hangs
43275 Open       get_class problem with COM objects
43432 Open       Fatal error when setting the value of COM object's Attribute 
43470 Open       COM API fails to correctly return [OUT]  VT_PTR references
43506 Open       com_get_active_object always fails
43521 Open       Problem with Variant/Parameters
43838 Open       variant_set with IE leads to hang
43897 Open       $ie not cleared on IE quit
44256 Open       Pb with COM in PHP5
44578 Open       Strange Behavior of PHP using COM Object
45280 Open       Reflection of instantiated COM classes causes PHP to crash.
45704 Open       $exception->getCode() always return 0x80020009 even when it 
45855 Open       COM-Problem with GET/SET, using same method name (but with 
different arg count)
46224 Open       Cannot instantiate .Net object (ABCpdf 6.1 .Net)
46522 Open       Problem using new com
47401 Open       Can't instantiate VARIANT objects with VT_BYREF flag
47458 Open       PHP run as CGI module onapache giving ADODB error on win2008
47569 Open       DOTNET Excpection error
47869 Open       DocumentComplete does not return a useful COM object
47878 Open       ScriptControl function capitalization discrepancy
47984 Open       COM automation: garbled utf-8 text
48061 Open       Exception when passing array by ref to COM method
48067 Assigned   Class 'DOTNET' not found
48425 Open       Can not call static methods from .net DLL
===============================================[Compile Failure]==============
43857 Assigned   --program-suffix not always reflected everywhere
44294 Open       Undefined symbols with libxml2
46311 Assigned   Pointer aliasing issue results in miscompile on gcc4.4
46971 Assigned   Missing extensions between VC6 and VC9 snapshots
48098 Suspended  ./configure --with-something fails when LANG=et_EE.UTF-8
48195 Feedback   iconv link failure
48318 Open       CLI doesn't build and embed SAPI doesn't load on OS X 10.5.6
48389 Feedback   simple fix to make PHP build on GNU/Hurd
===============================================[Compile Warning]==============
38515 Suspended  Warnings during compile
===============================================[cURL related]=================
46439 To be documented  file upload implementation is flawed
===============================================[Date/time related]============
37111 Assigned   Apache crashes when strftime is called inside user defined 
session write func
42842 Suspended  dst information lost over Year 2038
44780 Assigned   some time zone offsets not recognized by 
45081 Assigned   strtotime incorrectly interprets SGT time zone
45141 Assigned   [PATCH] setcookie will output expires years of >4 digits
45509 Assigned   create_date_from_format() cannot parse negative (BC) dates
45554 Assigned   Inconsistent behavior of the u format char
45777 Assigned   Date tests failed on windows
45847 Assigned   strftime() returns an empty string when using the %e 
conversion specifier
45866 Assigned   decimal values fed to DateTime->modify() causes long execution 
46111 Verified   strtotime() returns false for some valid timezones
46597 Verified   Inconsistent return values for strtotime('0000-00-00')
46670 Assigned   date_sunrise (date_sunset) works incorrectly with gmtoffset 
46993 Assigned   strtotime inconsistently parses M-j-Y and Y-M-j format dates
47183 Assigned   Invalid format in php_error_docref() in 
47285 Assigned   strtotime() still leaks memory
47312 Assigned   Calling setlocale causes microseconds to disappear
47351 Assigned   [PATCH] Memory leak in DateTime
47735 Open       strtotime "weekday" keyword yields false results on weekends
48178 Open       Error in test DateTimeZone_getOffset_basic1.phpt
48187 Open       DateTime::diff() corrupting microtime() result
48225 Assigned   Microseconds output wrong in DateTime::format()
48276 Assigned   date('Y') returns 0000
===============================================[dBase related]================
46264 Open       FoxPro DBF files can not be opened
47002 Open       Fields truncated
===============================================[DBM/DBA related]==============
48240 Assigned   DBA Segmentation fault dba_nextkey
===============================================[Directory function related]===
42832 Assigned   scandir() fails unless user has permissions in the parent 
43817 Assigned   opendir() fails on Windows directories with parent directory 
===============================================[Documentation problem]========
35936 Open       ini.zlib.output-compression Documentation
36172 Open       subclass serialization of parent private members
36711 Open       Document detect_unicode and mention that __halt_compiler 
doesn't affect it
37047 Open       static executes after return
38805 To be documented  PDO Truncates Text from SQL Server Text Data Type Field
38962 Analyzed   memory leak in fgets when using cli
40882 Assigned   array_fill with negative start index not documented
41231 Open       x86_64 config library path search documentation problem
41662 Open       SimpleXML->children() misleading result
42294 To be documented  round will not use PHP_ROUND_FUZZ on 64bit CPUs
43313 To be documented  getopt() doesn't handle unknown parameters
43782 Open       feof() does not detect timeout on socket
44057 Open       Session vars weird behavior
44605 Open       stream_select() does not work with fopen("php://output")
45283 Open       extract($_FILES) result unpredictable
46267 Open       mismatch between sscanf and localeconv
46517 Open       SimpleXML inconsistent behaviour with multiple XML nodes
46596 To be documented  Setting an associative array $var with the key $var: 
$var[$var] = true
46806 Assigned   mb_strimwidth
46932 Open       strtotime() has inconsistency between 'next Monday' and '+1 
47121 To be documented  Cannot suppress warnings for "Call-time pass by 
reference is deprecated"
47142 Assigned   Russian Documentation
47187 To be documented  mbstring.func_overload in .htaccess has no effect
47189 Open       oci_fetch_all() returns empty arrays on subsequent call on a 
given statement
47206 Open       Unintended API change in XSLTProcessor
47249 Open       ext/idn and ext/intl incompatible
47291 Open       get and set are not fixed
47336 Open       data: stream restricted by  allow_url_fopen
47479 To be documented  Again: setlocale() ignores translation setting
47614 Open       gmp_fact() parameter type not checked + documentation problem
47765 Open       __invoke lacks if object is a static property or return
47950 Open       Some new MySQLi functions not available as class methods
===============================================[DOM XML related]==============
47530 Open       Importing objects into document fragments creates bogus 
"default" namespace
47531 Open       No way of removing redundant xmlns: declarations
47532 Open       DOMAttribute value getter and setter do not escape equally
47847 Open       importNode loses the namespace of an XML element.
47848 Open       importNode doesn't preserve attribute namespaces
47913 Open       AppendNode can change the namespace of an element
48339 Feedback   DOMElement::setIdAttribute() throws 'Not Found Error' exception
===============================================[Filesystem function related]==
27792 Critical   [PATCH] Functions fail on large files 
40633 Suspended  disk_free_space returns a bad result on filesystems with 
negative free space
44217 Open       Output after stdout/stderr closed cause immediate exit
44575 To be documented  parse_ini_file comment # line problems
45040 Verified   64 bit inode stat fails without LFS flags (ex: recursive mkdir)
45986 Assigned   rename() generates Bad file descriptor
46426 To be documented  3rd parameter offset of stream_get_contents not works 
for "0"
46463 Open       fgetcsv() omits empty fields
46682 Assigned   touch() atime field returns different value
46990 Assigned   Passing UTF8 strings to filesystem functions produce wrong 
47096 Open       move_uploaded_file not OS encoding aware
47999 Open       tempnam() fails to create file
48245 Open       Setting file datetime outside of matching DST settings loses 
48365 Feedback   glob() function returns empty array
48443 Feedback   is_readable returns false on a file which is readable for group
===============================================[Filter related]===============
42718 Assigned   FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW not applied when configured as default 
filter, even with flags
work with ipv6
47752 To be documented  FILTER_VALIDATE_INT doesn't allow "+0" and "-0"
48310 Open       filter accepts invalid IPv6 address
===============================================[GD related]===================
34020 Assigned   ImagePolygon draws broken lines when using Antialiasing
40158 Assigned   Artifact left on transparent pngs using image filters
42434 Assigned   ImageLine w/ antialias = 1px shorter
43475 Assigned   Thick styled lines have scrambled patterns
43547 Assigned   imagefilledarc has a defect filling
43828 Assigned   broken transparency of imagearc in truecolorimages using 
43899 Assigned   Problem in displaying right to left connected languages (like 
persian, arabic)
45552 Assigned   Full circle drawn instead of arc with very small angle
45905 Assigned   imagefilledrectangle() clipping error
46038 Assigned   imagepsloadfont not working
47812 Assigned   undefined symbol: gdJpegGetVersionInt
47946 Assigned   ImageConvolution overwrites background (fix included)
48155 Open       imagettftext() and imagefttext() do not accurately position 
text horizontally
48349 Open       imagecopyresampled() sprinkles photos with multi-colored pixels
===============================================[hash related]=================
48284 Assigned   hash "adler32" byte order is reversed
===============================================[HTTP related]=================
38802 To be documented  'max_redirects' context options doesn't work when value 
is 1
48190 Verified   Content-type parameter "boundary" is not case-insensitive in 
HTTP uploads
===============================================[ICONV related]================
33997 Assigned   Returned: Bug #16069 - ICONV transliteration failure
48289 Open       iconv_mime_encode() quoted-printable scheme is broken
===============================================[IIS related]==================
39984 Suspended  Response header sent as 302 despite being set to 301
===============================================[IMAP related]=================
48201 Open       wrong behaviour and crash with imap_mail_compose()
===============================================[InterBase related]============
42266 Assigned   BLOB functions do not work on 64bit systems
43674 Open       cannot insert image file blob_id in the table
46497 Open       Unable to complete network request to host
46638 Open       PHP crashes while receiving an ibase event
47006 Open       ibase.timeformat won't work when any of %H %M %S missing
48189 Open       ibase_execute error in return param
===============================================[iPlanet related]==============
46020 Assigned   With Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 on HPUX, #define HPUX
===============================================[JSON related]=================
45989 To be documented  json_decode() passes through certain invalid JSON 
===============================================[LDAP related]=================
44937 Assigned   Warning: ldap_bind() [function.ldap-bind]: Unable to bind to 
server: Out of mem
===============================================[Mail related]=================
28038 Open       Sent incorrect RCPT TO commands to SMTP server
47868 Open       Special apostrophe character stripped from subject
===============================================[Math related]=================
45184 Assigned   algorithm to limit random numbers to a certain range is flawed 
45301 Assigned   Serious flaw in random related functions
46587 Assigned   mt_/rand produce out of range numbers when min = 0 and max > 
47168 Assigned   printf of floating point variable prints maximum of 40 decimal 
48413 Feedback   floating-point formats on 64 bit systems
48418 Open       NaN > NaN, NaN > 0, NaN < 0 return true
===============================================[mbstring related]=============
45993 To be documented  mb_detect_encoding and mb_check_encoding results are 
47990 Open       mb_check_encoding() accepts surrogates for UTF-8
48433 Open       Case related bug in mb_ereg_* lookbehind
===============================================[MSSQL related]================
34784 Assigned   Changed database context error when SELECT > 33 columns
36961 Assigned   mssql_bind will not bind an image field
39267 Assigned   mssql_fetch_object bit error null value
39460 Assigned   Crash when using 64-bit fields
39582 Assigned   Connection problems after SQL error
40034 Assigned   mssql_connect(): Unable to connect to server
40394 Assigned   mssql_bind() converts empty strings to null
41736 Assigned   Mixed up characters in UTF-8 database with Hebrew via FreeTDS
42474 Assigned   mssql_fetch_* returns 0 instead of NULL when a bit field is 
42631 Open       mssql_connect causes stack smashing attack protection
42715 Assigned   Consistent Connection Failed to MSSQL 2000 server
42923 Open       mssql_pconnect with the same login and new_link set to true 
causes problems
43110 Open       MSSQL_BIND won't work with datetime parameter
44049 Open       Stored proc query fails on NULL input
44300 Open       mssql_connect fails sometimes
44869 Open       MSSQL Connect => Access Violation
45918 Open       Mssql_init randomly returns a warning or a resource
46387 Open       Results are modified when passed back to the server
46660 Feedback   Calling mssql_next_result causes a coredump
47580 Feedback   MSSQL: "Changed database context to" when connecting
===============================================[MySQL related]================
45468 Assigned   Using mysqlnd defaults to using unix socket instead of 
46952 Assigned   mysqlnd compile failure with suncc
47017 Assigned   mysqlnd does not work with MYSQL_CLIENT_COMPRESS flag
47539 Open       MySQL module slow close
47641 Open       mysql_connect() using TCP with connect_timeout not equal to -1
47712 Assigned   (mysqlnd) last fetched row may get corrupted after calling 
47982 Assigned   PDO_mysql: Storing image binary data 
48082 Verified   mysql_connect does not work with named pipes
48198 Assigned   error: 'MYSQLND_LLU_SPEC'  undeclared
48293 Open       user name send to mysql server in an incorrect encoding 
(PHP_5_3 and above only)
48393 Feedback   Crash on php5ts.dll
===============================================[MySQLi related]===============
44998 Assigned   mysqli_real_escape_string() not properly escaping null 
45019 Assigned   Segmentation fault with SELECT ? and UNION
45921 Open       Can't initialize character set hebrew (path: 
45941 Assigned   mysqli_stmt_fetch() crashes
46144 Open       failed prepare() does not fill error and errno fields
46614 Assigned   Extended MySQLi class gives incorrect empty() result (works in 
PHP_5_2 !)
46767 Assigned   FastCGI Error is returned when connecting to a MySQL server 
with PHP 5.3 RC1
46858 Assigned   Incorrect isset result on MySQLi_Result properties (only in 
47092 Open       Bitwise operation number overflow
47387 Assigned   Load stmt result bool false
47471 To be documented  MySQLi, SP, loop count and the amount of result sets
47629 Open       mysqli connect timeout causes fatal error
48373 Open       Unable to combine prepared statements and fetch_row
===============================================[OCI8 related]=================
37220 Suspended  LOB Type mismatch when using windows & oci8.dll
45769 Open       Segmentation fault with OCI8
46471 Open       Performance problem when reading XML columns
46565 Assigned   oci_fetch_all() returns ORA-01002 
===============================================[ODBC related]=================
20298 Open       [PATCH] odbc.check_persistent not working
37527 Open       Crash - odbc_exec on closed pconnect
38894 Open       VARBINARY column fails
40695 Open       odbc_execute/prepared statements does not work with Access
41404 Open       ODBC makes memory leaks
42068 Open       zend_mm_heap corrupted error when freeing resultset (Works 
with PDO ODBC)
42414 To be documented  some odbc_*() functions incompatible with Oracle ODBC 
42493 Open       odbc_pconnect: persistent connections with different locales
43676 Open       SQL error SQL0644N
43844 Open       muliple odbc_execute() on prepared select statement with bind 
parms (IBM ODBC)
44003 Open       odbc_fetch_array returns truncated field names
44240 Open       No data returned by ODBC
44305 Open       odbc_next_result - mysql procedure with multiple results
44618 Open       Problem when using SQL_CUR_USE_ODBC on connec
45341 Open       Sybase ODBC Driver odbc_exec
45445 Open       odbc_field_len(), odbc_field_precision(), odbc_field_scale() - 
don't work
45598 Open       Unable to query remote cataloged odbc
45732 Open       odbc.defaultlrl = 0 != Passthru
45894 Open       PHP (cleanup?) runs infinite loop after ODBC used
46050 Open       odbc_next_result corrupts prepared resource
46195 Assigned   odbc_prepare use SQLNumResultCols
46853 Open       Compile failure using --with-ODBCRouter
47133 Open       php-odbc SQLBindCol() not used correctly
47803 Open       Executing prepared statements is succesfull only for the first 
two statements
48122 Open       odbc_cursor() returns empty name
48186 Open       Symbol with code 0 in the 255 position of a string
48301 Open       odbc_fetch_array() return error
===============================================[OpenSSL related]==============
42886 Assigned   openssl_x509_checkpurpose returns int(0) on valid public 
43151 Open       [peer_certificate_chain] => HTTP/1.1 200 OK
47030 Assigned   SSL context option 'CN_match' useless without 'verify_peer'
47236 Verified   Server Cert not captured when using TLS
47863 Open       openssl_csr_sign() does not change serial value
48116 Assigned   Compile fails with OpenSSL 1.0.0 beta* libraries
48182 Open       stream_socket_client(ssl:// ... STREAM_CLIENT_ASYNC_CONNECT) 
===============================================[Other web server]=============
45062 Open       thttpd problem displaying .html pages when patched with php on 
64 bits OS
===============================================[Output Control]===============
36514 Suspended  ob_gzhandler() issue
46897 To be documented  ob_flush() should fail to flush unerasable buffers
===============================================[PCRE related]=================
47456 Assigned   Missing PCRE option 'J'
47689 Assigned   crash with certain regular expression
===============================================[PDO related]==================
39312 Assigned   Cannot install PDO_OCI
40787 Open       Error trying to insert into a CLOB column when using 
multi-byte charset.
41027 Open       Executing prepared statement changes type of bound parameters 
to string
42765 Assigned   PDO ODBC: Long binary field in query result crashes PHP ("Out 
of memory" error)
44081 Open       Cannot execute queries while other unbuffered queries are 
44135 To be documented  PDO MySQL does not support CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS
44278 Open       nvarchar(max) mangled
44454 Verified   Unexpected exception thrown in foreach() statement
44589 Assigned   pdo_oci crashes and aborts php script for LOB columns
44643 Open       bound parameters ignore explicit type definitions
44852 Assigned   PDO_OCI crashes
45021 Assigned   PDO_OCI only fetches 512 bytes from a LONG column
46289 Open       PDO execute causes apache.exe to crash
46473 Assigned   php segfaults on some queries using pdo_odbc & ibm-db2 on a 
64bits platform
46508 Assigned   [PATCH]: getColumnMeta returns 'LONG','VAR_STRING','BLOB' as 
php native_type
46542 To be documented  Extending PDO class with a __call() function doesn't 
work as expected
46740 Open       PHP Not Cleanly Closing MySQL Connections on Apache Death
46981 Assigned   PDO get Data Bug for Firebird DBMS
47224 Assigned   MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND is no longer available
47407 Open       There can be only one PDO (derived) instance with 
47414 Open       PDO_Firebird memory leaks when using bindColumn()
47415 Open       PDO_Firebird segfaults when passing lowercased column name to 
47588 Open       PDO_DBLIB: barfs on quoted field names
47829 Open       Segmentation fault on startup with PDO Firebird compiled in
47874 Open       crash while prepare statement
47922 Open       PDO_SQLITE: reopen database for each update query if no alive 
results exists 
47960 Open       PDO_MYSQL: cannot bind LIMIT or OFFSET
47977 Open       bindParam, current(), next()
48037 Open       PDO_OCI: Error "zend_mm_heap corrupted" when binding a param 
in an sql comment
48057 Open       Only the date fields of the first row are fetched, others are 
48295 Open       ODBC and bound parameters
48314 Open       PDO_MySQL doesn't use prepared statements
48383 Open       PostgreSQL extension passes string param to int column when 
passed NULL of FALS
48431 Open       Support PDO::PARAM_STMT
===============================================[Performance problem]==========
45265 Assigned   stripos() very slow
47643 Verified   array_diff() takes over 3000 times longer than php 5.2.4
===============================================[PHAR related]=================
48257 To be documented  PharData throws exception with non-phar tar
48377 Open       error message unclear on converting phar with existing file
===============================================[PHP options/info functions]===
45914 Assigned   ini_set() Does Not Work When Using Registry-Based "Per 
Directory Values"
46972 Open       php.ini is not loaded from registry
48402 Open       PHP stopped reporting errors
===============================================[PHP-GTK related]==============
45549 Suspended  Don't require
47063 Open       PHP-GTK
===============================================[PostgreSQL related]===========
40544 Open       PostgreSQL connection hangs after die()
46408 Open       Locale number format settings can cause pg_query_params to 
break with numerics
47199 Open       pg_delete fails on NULL
48181 Open       pg_version() returns incorrect client version and no server 
===============================================[Program Execution]============
41874 Assigned   Separate STDOUT and STDERR in exec functions
44994 Assigned   exec() produces zombie processes on Windows, hangs Apache
===============================================[Reflection related]===========
46058 Open       ReflectionMethod::invoke - wrong behavior (PHP_5_2 only)
46064 To be documented  Exception when creating ReflectionProperty object on 
dynamicly created property
47808 Open       hasProperty inconsistent with getProperty and new 
47955 To be documented  ReflectionClass::newInstanceArgs() fails with references
===============================================[Reproducible crash]===========
45731 Suspended  child pid exit Segmentation fault in putenv
46025 Suspended  zend_bailout can deadlock APC
46156 Assigned   Infinite recursion in class destructor causes crash
46911 Verified   Command like stream_filter_prepend(STDOUT, "strtoupper") 
crashes PHP
47072 Open       php crash when mssql_connect to remote MSSQLSERVER 2005 
Standart Edition
47473 Open       set_error_handler() crashes the
47730 Analyzed   Crash when errorHandler throws Exception (GCC 4.3 optimizer 
47930 Assigned   ext/filter crashes when module startup bails out
48034 Assigned   Crash when script is 8192 (8KB) bytes long
48414 Feedback   The FastCGI process exited unexpectedly
===============================================[Safe Mode/open_basedir]=======
43419 Open       Using gzfile() with URL and open_basedir
44901 Verified   open_basedir as prefix complains on attempts to access 
non-existant files
46888 Open       copy() : safe_mode / allow_url_fopen does not allow opening 
46925 Assigned   when open_basedir="." the working directory is set to the 
executable location
===============================================[Scripting Engine problem]=====
16820 Open       hangs in multithreaded environment (ZTS)
44827 Assigned   define('::') can be defined
44848 Open       autoload fails with complex loading scheme
45008 Verified   get_object_vars() PPP issue
45199 Verified   Serializing objects with private properties
45749 Verified   interactive mode hangs on simple input
45813 Open       Segfault in error handling
47157 Open       require_once('relative/path/some.file') includes file twice 
(symlinks involved)
47284 Verified   Args disappear from exception stack trace (works in 5.3)
47304 Assigned   typecast of numeric string to float produces strange result
47409 Open       extract() problem with array containing word "this"
47424 Open       not operator does a c cast to long which is different to other 
47601 Open       defined() requires class to exist when testing for class const 
(only in PHP_5_2)
47623 Verified   array_shift() fails with @ operator
47767 Assigned   include_once does not resolve windows symlinks or junctions
47805 Open       integer overflows it is converted to double but it is not done 
in vice versa.
47836 Verified   array operator [] inconsistency when the array has PHP_MAX_INT 
index value
47838 Open       For some strict notices __autoload isn't used in the error 
48197 Assigned   __call performs extra allocs
48255 Verified   Mixing control structure syntaxes causes parse error
48337 Open       Parse error messages getting less descriptive
===============================================[Semaphore related]============
33011 Open       shmop: can still open segment for reading after shmop_delete
47429 Open       Memory leak using shmop_open
===============================================[Session related]==============
46434 Open       session.save_handler=mm causes crash during garbage collection
47060 Open       gc_maxlifetime not run
48412 Feedback   session_start error send internal server error 500
===============================================[SimpleXML related]============
46672 Verified   Cloned SimpleXML Output Different
46968 Open       Extending SimplXMLElement (or Iterator) w/ __toString
47015 Assigned   Trouble with CDATA for single (not multiple) elements
===============================================[SNMP related]=================
44193 Open       snmp v3 noAuthNoPriv doesn't work
45893 Open       Snmp buffer limited to 2048 char
46065 Open       snmp_set_quick_print() persists between requests
47659 Open       SNMP Builds with Obsolete UCD-SNMP
48273 Open       [PATCH] snmp*_real_walk() returns SNMP errors as values
===============================================[SOAP related]=================
43338 Open       SoapEnc Arrays and Single Element Arrays
44248 Open       RFC2616 transgression while HTTPS request through proxy with 
SoapClient object
44417 Assigned   call function ignore http wrapper
45027 Open       __soapCall returns an object with missing fields
45282 Verified   SoapClient has namespace issues when WSDL is distributed
46130 Open       SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL
46386 Open       [PATCH] Digest authentication with SOAP module fails against 
MSSQL SOAP services
46539 Open       SoapClient uses HTTP/1.1 options over HTTP/1.0
46616 Open       Value dropped when Soap response with nodes containing 
attributes and value
46679 Verified   WSDL Error  SOAP-ERROR  unresolved element 'ref'
46878 Verified   my wsdl is not loaded correctly
47021 To be documented  SoapClient stumbles over WSDL delivered with 
"Transfer-Encoding: chunked"
47273 Assigned   Encoding bug in SoapServer->fault
47314 Open       SoapClient leave tcp connections in "time_wait"
47492 Open       SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS has no effect
47581 Open       Calling __construct from an extended SoapClient class via 
variable broken
47624 Open       SOAP response has int type for a key value that is out of range
47647 Open       Array types don't retain xsi:types for polymorphic types
47719 Open       SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: Violation of encoding rules
47761 Open       Since 5.2.9 SoapClient no longer attempts Basic auth to 
retrieve a WSDL file
47762 Open       SoapClient does not fetch WSDL requiring Digest auth
47810 Open       SoapClient and Multipart response
47924 Open       Exchange 2007: UpdateItem: Fatal error: SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: 
object hasn't 'Pat
47925 Open       PHPClient can't decompress response (transposed uncompress 
47934 Open       SOAP server ignores enumeration restrictions in WSDL
48165 Open       SoapClient and external import in WSDL make ns1, ns2, ns3 alias
48216 Open       PHP Fatal error:  SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Extra content at 
the end of the doc
48244 Open       SoapClient doRequest fails when proxy is used
===============================================[Sockets related]==============
44197 To be documented  socket array keys lost on socket_select
46360 To be documented  [PATCH] TCP_NODELAY constant for socket_{get,set}_option
48326 To be documented  socket_recvfrom and socket_recv constant MSG_DONTWAIT 
not defined
===============================================[SPL related]==================
45595 Assigned   ArrayObject::STD_PROP_LIST does not behave as documented with 
46227 Assigned   wrong initial pointer for CachingIterator and 
46569 Assigned   SplFileObject: fgetcsv after seek returns wrong line
47534 Open       RecursiveDirectoryIterator::current() always returns 
48361 Assigned   SplFileInfo::getPathinfo no returning info of path
48375 Open       AppendIterator::append() never ends, which has SplFileObject 
as inner iterator
48386 Open       ArrayObject and __wakeup()
48387 Open       ArrayObject and properties serialization
48388 Open       ArrayObject and __sleep()
===============================================[SQLite related]===============
47257 To be documented  SQLite3->__construct has no sane way to detect errors
===============================================[Streams related]==============
34972 Assigned   STDIN won't allow nonblocking.
36320 Suspended  Custom dir_readdir() causes readdir() to crash when returns 
45808 Assigned   stream_socket_enable_crypto() blocks and eats CPU
46917 Open       Socket handling completely broken
47918 Open       stream_set_blocking() does not work with pipes opened with 
47929 Open       stream_set_timeout() does not work for ssl connections
48280 Open       http stream timeout is doubled
48420 Open       stream_get_line() - invalid result when passing $length and 
===============================================[Strings related]==============
43896 To be documented  htmlspecialchars() returns empty string on invalid 
unicode sequence
45132 Assigned   escapeshellcmd removes swedish characters
45599 Open       strip_tags() truncates rest of string with invalid attribute 
47481 Open       strnatcmp: char instead of unsigned char
47501 Open       stripslashes() converts \0 into a null character
47842 Open       sscanf() does not support 64-bit values
47854 Verified   explode() misbehaves with very large negative limit
===============================================[Unknown/Other Function]=======
46766 To be documented  Unable to load PHP with php_exif.dll and 
===============================================[URL related]==================
48360 Open       urlencode and rawurlencode are not RFC-1738 compliant
===============================================[Website problem]==============
39512 Open       header text readability
===============================================[Windows Installer]============
47611 Open       PHP-CGI uses wrong Folder/File
===============================================[XML related]==================
47502 Open       xml_get_current_byte_index inside character data handler 
returns wrong offset
===============================================[XML Writer]===================
48202 Assigned   Out of memory error when passing non-existing filename to 
===============================================[Zip Related]==================
48218 Assigned   ZipArchive->open fails under some circumstances
===============================================[Zlib Related]=================
45203 Open       missing HTTP Vary header
47171 Open       Incorrect tell values when trying to seek beyond file range

Assigned bugs and feature requests (reminders sent):
dmitry          32220: [PATCH] thread_resources for thread not getting freed 
when apache kills thread
dmitry          46311: Pointer aliasing issue results in miscompile on gcc4.4
dmitry          30302: SOAP: Implement Document/Literal with wrapped convention
dmitry          31248: SOAP-Client: mapping of overloaded functions fail
dmitry          38060: Feature Request: Invoke __sleep() / __wakeUp() methods
dmitry          38331: SOAP call timeout when the response is chunked
dmitry          47815: [PATCH] Compile time computation of hash value decrease 
hash lookup time
dmitry          46156: Infinite recursion in class destructor causes crash
dmitry          48034: Crash when script is 8192 (8KB) bytes long
dmitry          46925: when open_basedir="." the working directory is set to 
the executable location
dmitry          48197: __call performs extra allocs
dmitry          44417: call function ignore http wrapper
dmitry          47273: Encoding bug in SoapServer->fault
nlopess         29521: compress.bzip2 wrapper
nlopess         47456: Missing PCRE option 'J'
wez             31327: chinese char and word problem
wez             32099: After opening ADO connection and closing it repeatedly, 
Apache stops service
wez             34253: COM binary object/array issue (question marks?)
wez             36360: PHP crashes when accessing an object that was just 
create by parent object
wez             37562: Unable to lookup "ParameterFieldDefinitions"
wez             37965: Multi-dimensional array between PHP and COM
wez             38719: COM Error during accessing function VirtualMachines
wez             40664: String conversion functions wrong for multibyte chars
wez             41055: DOTNET not instantiating fully-pathed assembly
wez             41078: Its not possible to call Static dotNet Classes with 
wez             41189: Multi-dimensional array in COM function causes hang
wez             41368: ADODB.Recordset ActiveConnection property - can't set 
with PHP 5.2.1+
wez             41388: Error in COM Object results
wez             41577: DOTNET is successful once per server run
wez             27814: Multiple small packets send for HTTP request
wez             29973: Comparing COM object variable with NULL throws an 
wez             35482: Bad performance of filesystem functions on Windows XP 
wharmby         35875: IE event failure upon scheduling script
wharmby         37899: [PATCH] php_char_to _OLECHAR copies junk bytes
wharmby         40424: Fatal error when setting the value of COM object's 
property array
wharmby         40581: Pass Struct type to COM object from PHP
wharmby         42413: Cannot iterate IE's event object
wharmby         42551: new COM("HTMLFile") => warnings
wharmby         42585: die() in event handler => PHP hangs
pajoye          48067: Class 'DOTNET' not found
pajoye          46971: Missing extensions between VC6 and VC9 snapshots
pajoye          42832: scandir() fails unless user has permissions in the 
parent directory
pajoye          43817: opendir() fails on Windows directories with parent 
directory unaccessible
pajoye          31784: GD: add gdftusefontconfig function in gd module :D
pajoye          32803: GD-Functions update
pajoye          33500: imap_open() fails when the server advertises GSSAPI
pajoye          38519: support charspacing in imagefttext()
pajoye          39263: Enable image(gif|jpg|png) functions to save to a php 
pajoye          40046: OpenSSL CRL generation support
pajoye          41456: Cannot decompress newly added files
pajoye          42060: [PATCH] LDAP: Add pagedResults support and more
pajoye          43652: zip compression direct output
pajoye          46013: problem with zip php functions and symbolic links
pajoye          47728: openssl_pkcs7_sign ignores new openssl flags
pajoye          47780: [FR] dns_get_record: possibility to specify nameserver 
that should be queried
pajoye          45986: rename() generates Bad file descriptor
pajoye          46682: touch() atime field returns different value
pajoye          46990: Passing UTF8 strings to filesystem functions produce 
wrong filenames
pajoye          42718: FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW not applied when configured as default 
filter, even with flags
pajoye          34020: ImagePolygon draws broken lines when using Antialiasing
pajoye          40158: Artifact left on transparent pngs using image filters
pajoye          42434: ImageLine w/ antialias = 1px shorter
pajoye          43475: Thick styled lines have scrambled patterns
pajoye          43547: imagefilledarc has a defect filling
pajoye          43828: broken transparency of imagearc in truecolorimages using 
pajoye          43899: Problem in displaying right to left connected languages 
(like persian, arabic)
pajoye          45552: Full circle drawn instead of arc with very small angle
pajoye          45905: imagefilledrectangle() clipping error
pajoye          46038: imagepsloadfont not working
pajoye          47812: undefined symbol: gdJpegGetVersionInt
pajoye          47946: ImageConvolution overwrites background (fix included)
pajoye          45184: algorithm to limit random numbers to a certain range is 
pajoye          45301: Serious flaw in random related functions
pajoye          46587: mt_/rand produce out of range numbers when min = 0 and 
max > get_randmax
pajoye          42886: openssl_x509_checkpurpose returns int(0) on valid public 
pajoye          47030: SSL context option 'CN_match' useless without 
pajoye          48116: Compile fails with OpenSSL 1.0.0 beta* libraries
pajoye          47689: crash with certain regular expression
pajoye          42765: PDO ODBC: Long binary field in query result crashes PHP 
("Out of memory" error)
pajoye          45265: stripos() very slow
pajoye          45914: ini_set() Does Not Work When Using Registry-Based "Per 
Directory Values"
pajoye          41874: Separate STDOUT and STDERR in exec functions
pajoye          44994: exec() produces zombie processes on Windows, hangs Apache
pajoye          47304: typecast of numeric string to float produces strange 
pajoye          47767: include_once does not resolve windows symlinks or 
pajoye          34972: STDIN won't allow nonblocking.
pajoye          45808: stream_socket_enable_crypto() blocks and eats CPU
pajoye          48218: ZipArchive->open fails under some circumstances
cellog          43857: --program-suffix not always reflected everywhere
derick          37111: Apache crashes when strftime is called inside user 
defined session write func
derick          44780: some time zone offsets not recognized by 
derick          45081: strtotime incorrectly interprets SGT time zone
derick          45141: [PATCH] setcookie will output expires years of >4 digits
derick          45509: create_date_from_format() cannot parse negative (BC) 
derick          45554: Inconsistent behavior of the u format char
derick          45777: Date tests failed on windows
derick          45847: strftime() returns an empty string when using the %e 
conversion specifier
derick          45866: decimal values fed to DateTime->modify() causes long 
execution times
derick          46670: date_sunrise (date_sunset) works incorrectly with 
gmtoffset parameter
derick          46993: strtotime inconsistently parses M-j-Y and Y-M-j format 
derick          47183: Invalid format in php_error_docref() in 
derick          47285: strtotime() still leaks memory
derick          47312: Calling setlocale causes microseconds to disappear
derick          47351: [PATCH] Memory leak in DateTime
derick          48225: Microseconds output wrong in DateTime::format()
derick          48276: date('Y') returns 0000
derick          28016: is_resource() returns false for resources of type 
derick          33445: strftime's arguments are system dependent
derick          42351: Unable to create dates with years <= -10000 and >= 10000
derick          45483: Add an era designater to DateTime methods when 
formatting or parsing dates
derick          45528: You cannot initialize a DateTimeZone object by offset 
derick          45543: DateTime::setTimezone can not set timezones without ID
derick          33997: Returned: Bug #16069 - ICONV transliteration failure
derick          47930: ext/filter crashes when module startup bails out
felipe          48240: DBA Segmentation fault dba_nextkey
nicholsr                40882: array_fill with negative start index not 
moriyoshi               46806: mb_strimwidth
moriyoshi               46478: htmlentities() uses obsolete mapping table for 
character entity references
bjori           47142: Russian Documentation
georg           24350: overloading mysqli-query-objects
georg           34906: mysql: no way to get errno for a failed secondary 
connection attempt
georg           41402: no safe way to retrieve warnings
pollita         29280: changing the default http-wrapper
pollita         29337: dns_get_record() unavailable on *BSD
pollita         30157: ftell() function does not use stream_tell()
pollita         46934: Unable to untighten open_basedir restriction
andi            30793: Abstract functions and default parameter
johannes                32177: ReflectionException
johannes                38992: ReflectionMethod::invoke() and ::invokeArgs() 
static method calls should match
johannes                45468: Using mysqlnd defaults to using unix socket 
instead of localhost:port
john            32643: update tidy to reflect library change in tidyLoadConfig()
andrei          34121: Add DFA support to preg_match() function
rasmus          37039: getenv('PHP_AUTH_USER') does not work
rasmus          47168: printf of floating point variable prints maximum of 40 
decimal places
helly           38913: dba_open crash for db4
yohgaki         41146: pg_meta_data does not return fields description
edink           41459: [PATCH] PDO::pgsqlGetNotify()
iliaa           41502: getColumnMeta() table name support for pdo_sqlite
iliaa           43526: fixing warnings/errors in pgsql.c
iliaa           44827: define('::') can be defined
iliaa           45132: escapeshellcmd removes swedish characters
jani            42006: No defined target for make install-strip
hirokawa                42396: Followup to #36711: __halt_compiler() and 
unicode detection
rrichards               43260: DOM doesn't produce valid XHTML.
rrichards               47015: Trouble with CDATA for single (not multiple) 
rrichards               48202: Out of memory error when passing non-existing 
filename to xmlwriter_open_uri() 
stas            45829: [intl] Allow MessageFormatter / IntlDateFormatter to 
accept DateTime objects?
colder          48358: SplDoublyLinkedList needs an insertAfterIterator() 
method or something similar
colder          45595: ArrayObject::STD_PROP_LIST does not behave as documented 
with foreach
colder          46227: wrong initial pointer for CachingIterator and 
colder          46569: SplFileObject: fgetcsv after seek returns wrong line
colder          48361: SplFileInfo::getPathinfo no returning info of path
scottmac                48284: hash "adler32" byte order is reversed
abies           42266: BLOB functions do not work on 64bit systems
abies           46981: PDO get Data Bug for Firebird DBMS
thetaphi                46020: With Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 on HPUX, 
#define HPUX
sixd            44937: Warning: ldap_bind() [function.ldap-bind]: Unable to 
bind to server: Out of mem
sixd            46565: oci_fetch_all() returns ORA-01002 
sixd            39312: Cannot install PDO_OCI
sixd            45021: PDO_OCI only fetches 512 bytes from a LONG column
fmk             34784: Changed database context error when SELECT > 33 columns
fmk             36961: mssql_bind will not bind an image field
fmk             39267: mssql_fetch_object bit error null value
fmk             39460: Crash when using 64-bit fields
fmk             39582: Connection problems after SQL error
fmk             40034: mssql_connect(): Unable to connect to server
fmk             40394: mssql_bind() converts empty strings to null
fmk             41736: Mixed up characters in UTF-8 database with Hebrew via 
fmk             42474: mssql_fetch_* returns 0 instead of NULL when a bit field 
fmk             42715: Consistent Connection Failed to MSSQL 2000 server
mysql           46952: mysqlnd compile failure with suncc
mysql           47017: mysqlnd does not work with MYSQL_CLIENT_COMPRESS flag
mysql           47712: (mysqlnd) last fetched row may get corrupted after 
calling mysql_free_result()
mysql           47982: PDO_mysql: Storing image binary data 
mysql           48198: error: 'MYSQLND_LLU_SPEC'  undeclared
mysql           46614: Extended MySQLi class gives incorrect empty() result 
(works in PHP_5_2 !)
mysql           46767: FastCGI Error is returned when connecting to a MySQL 
server with PHP 5.3 RC1
mysql           47387: Load stmt result bool false
mysql           46508: [PATCH]: getColumnMeta returns 
'LONG','VAR_STRING','BLOB' as php native_type
mysql           47224: MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND is no longer available
andrey          44998: mysqli_real_escape_string() not properly escaping null 
andrey          45019: Segmentation fault with SELECT ? and UNION
andrey          45941: mysqli_stmt_fetch() crashes
andrey          46858: Incorrect isset result on MySQLi_Result properties (only 
in PHP_5_2)
iodbc           46195: odbc_prepare use SQLNumResultCols
iodbc           46473: php segfaults on some queries using pdo_odbc & ibm-db2 
on a 64bits platform
cjorcl          44589: pdo_oci crashes and aborts php script for LOB columns
cjorcl          44852: PDO_OCI crashes

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