On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 11:23 PM, Nuno Lopes<nlop...@php.net> wrote:
> I'm happy there's some interest in a PHP optimizer :)
> I agree with Paul that PECL's optimizer duplicates way too much stuff from
> the Zend engine, which is not practic nor maintainable. (compare for example
> with the simple constant folder I implemented some years ago:
> http://web.ist.utl.pt/nuno.lopes/zend_constant_folding.txt).

This is certainly a much better demonstration of how the optimizer should work.

> About runkit & friends, I wouldn't worr
 much about them. If you're running
> them problably you also don't care about optimizations. If you want to be
> able to optimize something, you need to remove as many freedom degrees as
> you can..

This is probably true of runkit. However, I would be careful what you
remove for extra freedom. There is very likely PHP code out there that
relies (possibly by accident) on some edge cases.

> P.S.: I'll try to meet with Paul in PLDI (in a week) and chat about these
> kinds of things. Is anyone else comming that wants to join the discussion?

You should probably mention this is in Dublin.

Some of the IBM Toyko researches who work on (or maybe close to)
Project Zero will be there, and might have interesting ideas. They
have a paper on PHP memory usage.


Paul Biggar

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