On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 3:17 PM, Jonathan Bond-Caron<jbo...@openmv.com> wrote:
> From userland, I'm a big fan of this proposal / agree to the principle 
> although I'm not convinced that
> function($quantity)
> function(int $quantity)
> function(+int $quantity)
> function(-int $quantity)
> looks appropriate...
> Userland Note: The "-int" semantics confuses me, I realize it would cast 
> null's etc... but is it really a requirement? Can it be dropped?

Yes, it looks off, doesnt it. I quite like ~int, which you suggested
below, for the casting. It makes me think "this is kinda an int".

> function($quantity)
> function(int $quantity)  paul's (S) casting
> function(int! $quantity) STRICT type  --- seems appropriate for php, follows 
> CSS/web style '!important'

Yes, I like that too.

> To me, strict as default doesn't seem appropriate in php. But if it does, 
> this syntax could be interesting:
> function($quantity)
> function(int $quantity)  STRICT type
> function(~int $quantity) paul's (S) casting

This is also a nice, internally-consistent syntax.

If you had something for (H) in your suggestions, I'd be happier. We
need to cast there too.


Paul Biggar

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