I would like to keep writing tests for PHP as I have started in the PHP Test 
During this event i lead my UG to write 144 tests (PHPSP) and I myself wrote 51 
tests, for the below functions:

Rafael Dohms : 51 (9 basic, 41 error, 1 variation)

imagechar: 8
imagecharup: 8
imagecolordeallocate: 5
imagefontheight: 2
imagefontwidth: 2
imagegammacorrect: 6
imagelayereffect: 4
imagestring: 8
imagestringup: 8

I already have Karma in the Wiki with this username and i'm waiting for GSoC to 
be over to begin work on a DocFest which has already been discussed with 
phillip in #php.doc

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