On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 1:36 PM, Hannes
Magnusson<hannes.magnus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 13:16, Arnold Daniels<arn...@adaniels.nl> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This was not mend as an ad or as spam. I was suggesting the use of a
>> distributed system instead of a central VCS. I probably shouldn't have
>> mentioned GIT specifically. Using Arch, Bazaar, Monotone or any other
>> distributed VCS will give the same advantages.
>> A good article that talks about the differences between centralized and
>> distributed revisioning systems can be found at
>> http://www.dwheeler.com/essays/scm.html
> I appreciate your lecture, but you need to do your homework and stop
> wasting peoples time here.
> Checkout the svn-migration@ list, the RFCs on the wiki and the
> archives of this list.

nobody wastes anyone time. If a post is pointless, don't read it and
move on. The complains about this post have wasted more bandwidth that
the post itself, sounds wrong to me :-)


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