Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
Jani Taskinen wrote:
Dan Zoltak wrote:
Jani Taskinen wrote:
There is a bug in 5.2.10 that might cause this, try latest SVN
checkout of PHP_5_2 branch, it should be fixed now.
I've download and tested the latest snap (php5.2-200908020630) and I
am still having the same issue. I have performed an strace with the
following result:
You obviously do not have the correct sources then.
Try get them directly using SVN:

# svn co http://svn.php.net/repository/php/php-src/branches/PHP_5_2/

And if those don't work either, you need to provide a GDB backtrace, the
strace is useless for this. Also make sure you configure PHP using
--enable-debug !!

Jani, if you mean the fix for bug #48880, then that doesn't apply here.
 That was 5.3/6 only because it was in the new code that lets you
tighten the open_basedir restrictions at runtime.  I don't see any 5.2
fopen_wrappers.c changes for the past many months.

No, I was thinking the issue here was fixed by fixing bug #48247.


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