
2009/8/10 Peter Wang <ptr.w...@gmail.com>:
> Hi internals,
> sorry if it is a wrong lists for this question.

Indeed, this should be asked on php-general.

> I have read many articles/messages about using tmpfs store temp files,
> for example, php session data, smarty compied templates and so on.
> An obvious reason for that is: it doesn't matter about data loss caused by
> machine restart/poweroff.
> since it is not that difficult to restore files on a tmpfs from a disk-based
> dir when machine boot up.
> so may i put all my php scripts on a tmpfs to speed it up?  would that cause
> other issues?

Don't do this, Linux/Unix already cache files in memory (-> grep
^Cached /proc/meminfo).
If you want to speed up your PHP app, consider APC.

> thanks for your advices.

Patrick Allaert
http://code.google.com/p/peclapm/ - Alternative PHP Monitor

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