On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Andre Hübner<andre.hueb...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> i am confronted with odd behavior of php 5.2.10. I compiled and packaged the
> same way like other prior versions.
> If i install 5.2.10 and reload page (sefrengo cms) the page is outputed
> completely twice.when scrolling down i see same page again incl. <doctype
> <html> </html> etc.
> Downgrading to 5.2.9 solves problem and page looks like intended.
> somebody has already heard of problems like this? i do not really know in
> which direction to look, current buglist contains no fitting descriptions..
> i guessed a relation to bug #48994 but was not confirmed, also current
> 5.2.11rc2 showed odd behavior.
> Any ideas?

Is it reproducible with simple page? something like:
echo "Hello, world!\n";

If it isn't, you'll need to find minimal script which shows the problem.

Also, you can ask your CMS's authors if they know about this problem

Alexey Zakhlestin
Sent from St Petersburg, Russian Federation

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