
On Fri, 2009-10-09 at 15:21 +0200, Samuel ROZE wrote:
> I wanted to change a parameter in my PDO class, with the fourth
> PDO::_construct arg. But, I've many projects, which uses PDO, with one
> "new PDO" per project. The problem is that I have to change the source
> of every projects...
> Why isn't there an PDO section in the php.ini file ? For instance:
> pdo.is_persistent = 1
> pdo.fetch_notices = 1

Using these means two places have to be changed and monitored - the
application-specify configuration holding DSN, username and password and
the php.ini additionally. Some applications might have trouble if there
expectations about the environment isn't correct. The more ini settings
you have the more trouble ... these won'T be as troublesome as
magic_quotes but could still lead to unexpected behavior if the
developer doesn't expect them in some cases.


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