On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 04:27:02PM GMT, Pierre Joye [pierre....@gmail.com] said 
the following:
> The ereg functions cannot work with Unicode and can't be fixed without
> rewriting them. Nobody likes to do it as pcre works just fine and has
> many active maintainers (inside and outside php).

  But I'm willing to bet that the majority of people are using ereg, not
PCRE.  I've known about PCRE in PHP for a while now, but I continue to
use ereg because I thought it had better support in PHP and that it was
the more "official" function. Guess I was wrong.  I'm sure I'm not the
only one who thought this.

  Again, this isn't a debate on which is better, I only want to STRONGLY
stress that I think its a big mistake to remove it in 6.0. If you wanted
to remove it in 6.0, you should have sent out the deprecated warning in
the whole 5.0 series, not just 5.3, which most people don't even use.
If nobody simply wants to do the work to make sure ereg is ready for PHP
6 and unicode support, then you are not doing your job.  I hate to call
it a job because I'm sure that you all enjoy doing PHP development, but
there are times when you have to bite the bullet and do the hard work
because its your responsibility to do so.

  If your only defense when the army of developers come banging at your
door about why ereg doesn't work anymore is that you didn't feel like
doing the work, PHP is going to lose a lot of support and you as
developers will lose a lot of respect.

  I feel like I shouldn't even have to tell you this, you develop a
programming language that is known by millions and runs web apps that
are used by the whole Internet.

  If ereg isn't ready yet then 6.0 should be delayed until it is ready.
Somehow I doubt that you'd have trouble finding volunteers to do the
work if they know what was at stake. There are probably a lot of people
out there perhaps even on this list that would love to show off their
chops by submitting some piece of code that will get them noticed. If
those of you that have responded are not willing to do the work, then
open it up for review by others. Send out a call for volunteers. Maybe
my inquiry will spark some interest. Imagine being able to say that you
were the one that saved the ereg function. 

Mark S. Krenz
IT Director
Suso Technology Services, Inc.

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