On 09.11.2009, at 18:46, jvlad wrote:

I have filed a bug (suggestion) at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=50003
What do you think about enabling such a constructions in future
versions of

On Nov 9, 2009, at 1:41 AM, David Zülke wrote:
It's already on the list for PHP6:

http://wiki.php.net/summits/pdmnotesmay09 (see Day 2, PHP 6, #13).

No need to discuss this further, I think. You might also want to have
that bug closed, it's redundant.

There's also a declined-ish RFC on this matter:

- http://wiki.php.net/rfc/functionarraydereferencing

then I don't get the point.
http://wiki.php.net/summits/pdmnotesmay09  last modified on 07/22/2009
while the "declinish" last modified on 02/05/2009
so the proposal is newer and doesn't say anything about status of the

It would be much easier to have ONE and only ONE issue for each
feature planned or proposed for the future versions of php. Just a
dedicated section at bugs.php.net site would work the best.
At least much better than "declinish" stuff.

you did read the disclaimer at the top of the pdm notes?
anyways, an in person meeting of several php.net people does not constitute a decision. decision are made on this list. ideally they are based on an RFC that is then updated according to the discussions and decisions on this list. and even then decisions at times will be reversed too. so it goes.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

PS: I do however agree that in the future notes from meetings like this should be given a bit more details, like the date, the people who attended and stuff like that.

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