On 22.11.2009, at 03:13, D. Dante Lorenso wrote:

> Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:
>> On 21.11.2009, at 22:29, Dante Lorenso wrote:
>>> I would love to restate my recommendation for the function "filled".
>>> Which is the opposite of "empty".  Filled would accept a variable
>>> number of arguments and return the first where empty evaluates as
>>> false.
>>> Like empty, filled would not throw notices for undefined variables.
>>> This is not the same as the ifsetor debate because filled is opposite
>>> empty and cares not about isset.
>> did you even read the RFC?
> Yes I did, and all I see is this in the References section:
>  "Suggestion to leave an empty() variant out of the picture since
>   this  feature can be implemented in userland, though this of
>   course not provide the full functionality of empty() which
>   does not trigger notices for missing variables"
> I didn't see my proposal listed in it anywhere.  See this recommendation  
> from 3 1/2 years ago:
>  - May 03, 2006
>    http://www.mail-archive.com/internals@lists.php.net/msg21617.html

Maybe I am then misunderstanding your proposal, as to me it is clearly covered 
and deemed not possible:

$var = ifsetor($var, $var2, "admin");
However this is currently not possible to be implemented without major 
slowdowns to the engine.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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