> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Stockton [mailto:chrisstockto...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: 09 December 2009 20:39
> To: PHP Developers Mailing List
> Subject: [PHP-DEV] Intl extension class MessageFormatter 
> instantiation returns NULL
> Hello,
> I am trying to use ChoiceFormat in the Intl extension. When I 
> try to do something like:
> $r = new MessageFormatter("en", "There are {0?are no files|1?is one
> file|1<are many files} ok");
> // $r is NULL
> This may be a incorrect use, but my thought is that 
> regardless null should not be returned because no error code 
> or error message can be returned. I also can not think of a 
> single case off the top of my head when new does not return a 
> object (aside from a exception being thrown on instantiation).
> I am struggling to find documentation on plural usage. There 
> is no "ChoiceFormatter" class so it is my assumption that 
> message formatter parses that format. I would very much 
> appreciate if someone was able to point me in the right 
> direction. My apologies if this may have been better suited 
> on PECL list, but subscribing appears down and I am hastily 
> in search for a answer.
> -Chris


$fmt = MessageFormatter::create('en_GB', 'There are {0,choice,0#are no
files|1#is one file|1<are many files} ok');

echo $fmt->format(array(0)), "\n";
echo $fmt->format(array(1)), "\n";
echo $fmt->format(array(10101)), "\n";

Best place for documentation is tests, or example code I find.


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