cast is not needed in PHP

i 'd rather be more interesting in

class Obj {
     function __catch($data, $type) {
            //$type [ static_method, method, get_property, set_property]
            if (observed &&  $type == set_property && somevalueIsObserved) {
                  $this->somevalue = $data['somevalue'];
            } else {

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 7:17 PM, Clint Priest <> wrote:
> Etienne Kneuss wrote:
>> Hello,
>> On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 7:31 PM, Clint Priest <>
>> wrote:
>>> I know there's been requests to add a __toArray() and most of the
>>> arguments
>>> against it is that there are too many magic functions already.  I just
>>> thought I'd propose an alternative that would satisfy all of them.
>>> Why not a __cast($Type) magic function?
>> I'd advance two reasons against this idea:
>> 1) It's more self-explanatory to explicitly call the appropriate
>> converting method, enough with implicit madness!
>> 2) For some operations, you'd have to know the types in advance before
>> knowing what operations needs to be performed:
>> $obj1 + 2;
>> Now what __cast should be called? Int? Float?
> Wouldn't it make sense to be an integer since its being added to an integer?
>> Also, what about $obj1 + $obj2: Int? Float? Array?
> This is where operator over-loading would be useful however perhaps only
> explicit casts would make sense here.
>> Another example: str_replace($obj1, "bar", "foo"); what to call?
>> __toString or __toArray? str_replace accepts both.
> This is an interesting situation, could be resolved by attempting a
> __cast('array') followed by a __cast('string') if the first call was
> rejected (false, exception or something).
>> IMHO it would only make sense to invoke methods on explicit casts
>> only, otherwise it will just be a mess with PHP's current type
>> juggling. But, as we seen with __toString, limiting the field of
>> application was annoying (and it was later extended to nearly all
>> string usages).
> I would agree with this as well, only called during explicit casts.
>> So, what will it be? Inconsistent and Confusing or Limited and Annoying?
> One other alternative, probably not as easy would be to pass multiple types
> to cast, much the way the Accepts: HTTP header does, providing a list of
> possible cast types, in the preferred order.
> One could even implement an interface such as:
> interface Castable {
>   function GetCastableTypes();
> }
> or some such.
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